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Quotation by Don Fabun:
There is a kind of globe you can buy for hour home or office. With the light inside turned off you see the crazy-quilt pattern of the world's political areas. Turn the light on and there appears a glowing map of the natural Earth -- the bottoms of oceans and seas, the tops of mountains and plains, deserts and jungles, glaciers and volcanoes.
This map shows no city limits, no county or state lines, no national borders. The only things that seems to be stopped by a border any more is human understanding.
What makes the little globe different from the one we live on is that we still haven't found the way to turn on the light that will transform the real one into a place where men and their world work in harmony, instead of against each other.
Don Fabun (more by this author)
Type: Prose
Context: Book
Context Details: From the forward: The Dynamics of Change suggests the world of 1986 will be almost totally different in character and texture than the world we live in today (1967).
Source: The Dynamics of Change
Uttered: 1967