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Series Created By Scott Baker (2 articles.) (View How Many People Read This)

There are infinite causes of the Israel-Palestine wars. Maybe there need to be a few new solutions too?, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
There are infinite causes of the Israel-Palestine wars. Maybe there need to be a few new solutions too?
(Image by HonestReporting.com from flickr)
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About Israel/Palestine politics, relations, ecology etc.

Related Topic(s): Israel And Palestine; Israel And Us Relations; Israel Gaza Talks; Israel Idf; Israel-hamas War; Israeli-palestinian; Palestine Statehood; Palestine-israel Peace Talks


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# Type Date Content
1 Article 11/27/2023 Two states for Israel and Palestine is dead. Time for new Solutions. (View How Many People Read This) 67 67 Comment Count
2 Article 01/26/2024 David Swanson's lopsided screed today about ICJ Report on Israel-Gaza (View How Many People Read This) 15 15 Comment Count

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