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Life Arts    H4'ed 1/25/17

Tom Wolfe, LSD, Orange Hair and Me

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Bob Gaydos
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Ken Kesey's Bus

By Bob Gaydos

I have been in a funk since Nov. 9. That's the day I woke up with the realization that millions of Americans had lost their minds, if not their souls, and elected a man who is morally, psychologically, intellectually and spiritually unfit to be their president. The dumbest thing that has happened in my lifetime.

I stopped writing.

Finally, in desperation for inspiration, I turned to sports and that great philosopher, Reggie Miller (older Knicks fans can boo now.) For younger fans of the National Basketball Association, think Steph Curry. Shooters. Scorers. What do great shooters do when they are in a shooting funk, when everything seems to clang off the back rim or fall inches short of the basket? They keep shooting. They don't pass the ball to someone else. They shoot themselves out of the funk.


Now, I am not saying I am in the same class as a writer as Reggie and Steph are as shooters, but I have been writing for a long time and I think I have some skills so I figured the instincts would kick in once I started.

So instead of writing, I started reading. Tom Wolfe. Purely happenstance. I picked up some used books at the library because my son, Max, was looking for reading material. Short stories. He wasn't interested in Wolfe's "Hooking Up" and I had never read it, but had really enjoyed his "Bonfire of the Vanities." So I started reading. I quickly remembered why I liked him.

Then happenstance melded into serendipity. My partner and I watched "The Right Stuff," the movie based on Wolfe's book. Enjoyed it. There's more. The last essay in "Hooking Up" detailed Wolfe's assignment, with Jimmy Breslin, as the first writers/reporters for the Herald Tribune's Sunday magazine, New York.

My favorite newspaper as a teenager and my favorite magazine. I grew up reading Breslin and, as it turns out, Wolfe. After a brief, there's-no-way-in-the-world-I-want-to-do-this-the-rest-of-my-life flirtation with engineering, I started writing. In more than 50 years, I have only stopped for brief intervals. Going with the universal flow, I went back to the library and picked up a couple more used Wolfe books, "The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test" and "A Man in Full."

By the way, this is by way of answering those sympathetic friends who have asked me what I've been doing since The Dumb Event. For one thing, I'm trying to do things that make me feel better, things I can control.

" But let me digress.

To all those who pooh-pooh the Russian election connection, who doubt the Kremlin hacked into Democrats' e-mails and released them in an organized effort to elect You Know Who and who further doubt that Vladimir Putin had anything to do with it, I turn again to sports and the biggest story that got lost in the election -- Russia's decades-long government-sponsored program to cover up the use of performance-enhancing drugs by virtually all its Olympic athletes.

A report recently released by a Canadian lawyer, Richard H. McClaren, who works for the World Anti-Doping Agency, confirmed it all. McClaren and his team made short shrift of Russian denials. Medals were repossessed. Athletes were banned. A Russian official involved in the program said the direction came from the top. In Russia, there is only one top. This is the Russian way, or at least the Putin way. Of course he knew about the steroids. Of course he knew about the hacking. No Russian would dare do either without his approval. Not if he didn't want to wind up with poison in his vodka.

" So where was I? Right, reading.

I'm learning much more about Ken Kesey and the acid/pot/speed hippie freaks of the '60s than I ever intended to. The meaning of life on LSD. It's a good read. I found it especially interesting how Ken Kesey came to write "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest." Nothing like first-hand experience. I just started the book, so there will likely be more on this later.

What else? I started looking for local issues I might be able to help out with since I believe change starts close to home. I've also recommitted to my off-and-on interest in photography. Living in an especially scenic area of the Hudson Valley, it works well with my inclination to report on what's going on around me. On my travels the other day, a farmer walked his cow across the road right in front of me, casual as could be. Nonchalantly, I missed the shot. But I know where he lives.

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Bob Gaydos is a veteran of 40-plus years in daily newspapers. He began as police reporter with The (Binghamton, N.Y.) Sun-Bulletin, eventually covering government and politics as well as serving as city editor, features editor, sports editor and (more...)

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