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OpEdNews Op Eds    H2'ed 6/11/17

100% Pathological

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Kathy Malloy
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From Mike Malloy Websire

What a day, Truthseekers! Or week...or month...or 2017 thus far. So Trump stood there yesterday with the Romanian president and said, in effect, that former FBI Director James Comey perjured himself in front of Congress on Thursday. Now, anyone with the IQ of a gently stewed rhubarb stalk (as Mike would say) knows that Comey is credible and Trump is seemingly a pathological liar.

Did Trump's heavyweight attorney sign off on his agreement to "100% testify under oath" to Robert Mueller?

And who is buying this "New Guy" defense that Paul Ryan is spoon-feeding the telescreens? C'mon Paul, Trump knows everything! Haven't you been listening? He knows more about ISIS than the generals. Only he can solve the Palestine-Israel conflict. He has the best plan for the best most beautiful healthcare ever, better than Canada or the UK. He can build a wall to keep out all the nasty Mexicans rapists and murderers. He can rebuild the roads, the bridges, the armed forces, the schools, revise the tax code, end unemployment, reopen the factories, repay the debt, end trade deficits, balance the budget and spread light and joy throughout the nation.

But, but...now has he gone from all-knowing savior to geeky awkward dude who doesn't know you aren't supposed to threaten to fire the FBI director if he doesn't pledge loyalty and drop his investigations into his staff? He was lying when he boasted that he knew everything about being president? Well, he certainly thought the Clintons committed a crime when Loretta Lynch met Bill on the tarmac during Hillary's email-gate investigation. Trump banged that drum to death on the campaign trail. Seemed he had a complete understanding of inappropriate political conversations six months ago -- did he forget?

Doesn't matter, really. Robert Mueller will probably pop Trump wide open without this bad boy uttering a word. Because really, does anybody believe Trump would have a problem lying under oath?

Pathological liars by definition don't know or care if they're telling the truth. They lie when they don't have a reason to lie, like Trump did with the Romanian reporter when asked about whether or not they had a particular conversation during their meeting: Trump said no, the Romanian president said yes.

He can't help it. It's like the lady and the snake, or the scorpion and the frog -- that's just his nature. He's a liar and always will be. Might have served him well as a sleazy real estate czar, but we tend to like our presidents a wee bit more honest and trustworthy than a guy who sells fancy office space in gilded towers.

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Kathy never expected a career in radio as a talk show producer. Born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia, Kathy was completing her nursing degree when in 2001 - in an emergency - she was asked to fill in as the producer of Mike's program. Within a few (more...)
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