4 Now be careful, because I am not here proposing a reductionist model. There are any number of influences other than religion on a population that can effect how it behaves. I think it would be naïve to suggest that the violence employed by a population is the sole result of its religious orientation, but I think it would be equally naïve to suggest that all religions or philosophies cohere equally well with the same type and degree of violence. I would regard such an assertion to be as absurd as suggesting that all types of government cohere equally well with the same type and degree of violence. While democratic nation-states engage in war, for example, they seem far less likely to go to war with one another than dictatorships are with any government—democratic or dictatorial. The two systems also tend to deal with internal conflicts rather differently. And when it comes to reasons for the Inquisition or the Crusades, for example, the rationale provided by the Christian groups engaging in this behavior was deeply religious and rooted in the Christian worldview.
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