As near as this writer can tell, there's a significant story that's not made newspaper headlines yet it should have been front page news starting 12 days ago on August 28, 2024.
The story was revealed yesterday by independent Canadian journalist Eva Bartlett who stated the IDF (Israeli Defense Force) on August 28 began invading northern Palestinian West Bank cities with "thousands of Israeli soldiers, supported by helicopters and drones". [1]
Bartlett's story was corroborated by "the non profit Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor which reported, "Immediately after entering the West Bank, the Israeli army began besieging hospitals, ambulances, and emergency centers, replicating the horrifying and systematic policy of breaching and taking control of health institutions that it has employed in the Gaza Strip".
Another journalist Mariam Barghouli wrote, "I was in Jenin and I can't explain how ruthless the Israeli military is being. The city is like a ghost town and the refugee camp is a collective torture chamber. Israeli practices in Jenin include: mass arrests including minors, blowing up homes of civilians, denying entry of food, water, medics...Jenin is another Gaza in terms of violence being inflicted" by the IDF".
OCHA, the United Nations "Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs" reported "between 27 August and 2 September, Israeli forces killed 30 Palestinians in the West bank including children".
Bartlett also wrote, "The brutality is not only from the Israeli military but also the illegal Jewish colonists who are given carte blanche to attack and kill Palestinians".
Euro-Med noted, "This is a clear indication of Israel's intentions to commit genocide against Palestinians in the West Bank just as it has been done against those in the Gaza Strip".
Looking for any additional information on the IDF invasion of the West Bank , the New York Times had a column by Raja Abdulrahim reporting from Jerusalem on Friday September 6th titled, "West Bank Residents Survey Destruction as Israeli Forces Withdraw", where she stated, "Israeli military forces appeared to withdraw on Friday from the city of Jenin in the occupied West Bank according to Palestinian news media and residents, 10 days into a major raid that has killed dozens of people, including children, and caused widespread destruction".
Abdulrahim also reported-along with other media outlets about an American woman who was fatally shot in the head on Friday by an IDF sniper in Beita, a village in the West Bank. Apparently she had been protesting there against an Israeli settlement outpost.
In light of these latest horrific revelations committed by the Israeli's against the Palestinians in the West Bank to say nothing of the atrocities the IDF has committed in Gaza there is little doubt the apartheid state of Israel will never agree to have a separate Palestinian state adjacent to it.
UNLESS the UN Security Council, including the US, agrees to establishing a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza and have a multinational peacekeeping force stationed there indefinitely to keep the peace.
Of course it's US that's been the major stumbling block in not having this happen.
The US needs to come to its senses.
Because it's hard to see how a major war can be averted with Israel against not only Hamas but Hezbollah in Lebanon, Islamic militants in Iraq and Syria, Houthi's from Yemen, Iran, Turkey as well as others opposed to the Israeli regime.
[1] Can Israel survive its new war in the West Bank", by Eva Bartlett, RT. September 8, 2024