One of the many things George Orwell warned us about in his novel '1984' is how basic language can be manipulated so it is no longer capable of expressing resistance to the government's narrative. Big Brother was the face of the government in the dystopian novel "1984," In Orwell's novel, unnecessary words were being removed from media discourse and meanings changed to make rational thought more difficult. Orwell did not guess half of the conversation control that is happening now. 1984 is truly in the rearview mirror.
Consider how the words 'dis-information,' 'mis-information' and 'mal-information' are being used to inhibit discussion and learning. Back in the old days, we could tell each other what we had learned. We could consider differing opinions and conflicting information, making value judgments as to the veracity of what we were hearing. But now our society has been psychologically manipulated to accept Big Brother's science, education, justice, media, and medicine. We are taught to vilify common sense, facts and wisdom to the contrary. Our society has been convinced that the Average Joe is too stupid to do its own research and that the mainstream narrative is the only truth. Practicing our First Amendment right of free speech is quaint history. Using common sense in the face of an obvious con by considering and discussing opposing information is now socially unacceptable. There is the mainstream narrative and all else is dis-, mis- and mal-information, depending on how it contradicts Big Brother/Sister. Dis-, mis- and mal-information are "spread" like the flu. Opposing ideas are evil, not worthy of consideration. End of story. Information cannot be shared and the conversation is ended. Debate is the sound of one hand clapping. Both parties think the other to be a nasty enemy bringing harm. That pretty much describes my neighborhood. Our new language rules have shattered the community gatherings we once had.
Computers have made it easy to rewrite history and censor everything opposing the mainstream. Frightened mainstream thinkers cheer on Big Brother and help him with the vilification and cancel culturing of all who dare question our all-knowing government. Kids have been sucked into computer screens, compliance is the highest goal and critical thinking is by definition done by enemies of the state. We will pay dearly for this in the coming years.
I question everything. We live in interesting times.