I will not in this space elaborate upon the issue of the alleged "hacking of our election by the Russians," since I have done so elsewhere at some length. There I have concluded (a) that the alleged hacking has not been proven (as ex-CIA chief James Clapper has admitted), (b) that even if the attempt was made, it probably did not affect the outcome of the election, and ( c) that the Democrats have seized upon the alleged "Russian hacking" as an excuse for their loss in November and as a crowbar with which to whack Donald Trump, and perchance to pry him from his office. Endless media repetition of the alleged "fact" of the Russian interference has apparently convinced a majority of Americans that this is so. But it has not altered the evidence, or lack of same. The media frenzy over the "Russian hacking" parallels the "proof" (by repetition) that Saddam Hussein had WMDs that he intended to use against us, along with the unanimous editorial endorsement of Colin Powell's false testimony before the UN Security Council. ("Anyone unconvinced is either a fool or a Frenchman." Richard Cohen, WaPo). And so we went to war at the cost of four thousand American, and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives, and the birth of ISIS.
It is universally acknowledged today that the Bush/Cheney administration, Colin Powell, and the MSM lied us into that catastrophic blunder. And yet today the American public and the mainstream media have apparently learned nothing whatever from that experience. The American public and its media are once again the victims of group-think, gullible as ever, as together we march confidently toward the precipice.
"Fool me once..."
I have been a faithful viewer of TRMS for several years. However, when this Russian obsession took over, I decided to drop TRMS from my viewing schedule. Yet I seem drawn to it like a motorist driving past a car wreck. Now I feel that I must watch it for the "Russia bashing' which, Aaron Mate' of "The Intercept" calculates, has recently taken up more than half of your programming time. In my frustrated rage, I feel that I must respond to your outrageous distortions and provocations, which I have done with numerous internet essays originating on my personal website and republished elsewhere (including, in one case, in Russia).
I close by repeating my questions from my past letter to you:
a) What do you expect to accomplish with these relentless attacks on Russia?
b) Your motives aside, where do you suppose these attacks by you and most of your MSNBC colleagues are leading the US, Russia and the world?
Is this not the sort of behavior that, history teaches us, typically leads to war?
I am reminded of a quotation from Bertrand Russell's 1952 Nobel Prize acceptance speech: "We hate [the Russians] because they do not allow liberty. This we feel so strongly that we have decided to imitate them."
Ernest Partridge, Ph.D
Editor: The Online Gadfly
Co-Editor: The Crisis Papers
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