Backing up Trump's arguments, Republicans and Republican outlets have started to go after Clinton again and again over TPP. The danger is that when conservative outlets begin a drumbeat, "mainstream" outlets often pick it up and amplify it.
This is what right-leaning voters are hearing. This is from Fox News, headlined "Paperback version of Clinton's 'Hard Choices' omits her former TPP trade pact support":
"The paperback version of Hillary Clinton's memoir 'Hard Choices' fails to include her support of the international trade pact TPP that rivals Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump have opposed, raising criticism about Clinton 'reinventing herself' for the general election race."
On Brietbart, one post is headlined, "Donald Trump: Clinton's TPP Would Sacrifice American Jobs and Economic Independence":
"A Hillary Clinton Presidency would enact the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and lead to a massive jobs depression in the same pattern of Clinton's career according to Republican presumptive presidential nominee Donald Trump who laid out a litany of Clinton misconduct in a highly anticipated Wednesday morning address.
"'If [Hillary Clinton] is elected President she will adopt the Trans-Pacific Partnership and we will lose millions of jobs and our economic independence for good,' said Trump.
"Just as she has betrayed the American worker and trade at every single stage of her career and it will be even worse than the Clinton's NAFTA deal. And I never thought it could get worse than that. We will lose jobs. We will lose employment. We will lose taxes. We will lose everything. We will lose our country."
"Mainstream" outlets are already amplifying Trump's theme:
-- World Trade Online: "Trump Says Clinton Only 'Pretending' To Oppose TPP"
-- Morning Consult: "Trump Says Clinton Would Implement Controversial Trade Deal"
-- Time: "Donald Trump Accuses Hillary Clinton of Corruption as Secretary of State":
"One of Trump's main lines of attack was on Clinton's position on the Trans Pacific Partnership, the massive trade deal that would link the U.S. and 11 Pacific Rim nations. 'If she becomes president she will adopt the Trans Pacific Partnership,' Trump argued."
Dem Platform Handing This Issue To Trump
The Brexit vote shows that people are sick and tired of elite schemes to drive down wages. TPP is one such scheme and voters get it.
Trump, Sanders and Clinton have all stated their opposition to TPP. President Obama apparently doesn't get what is happening out there in the world in reaction to the damage working people have suffered from trade agreements.
John Nichols writes at The Nation, in "What the Democrats Must Learn About Free-Trade Deals From Brexit":
"Plenty of Americans are unsettled about Britain's vote to exit the European Union. And a lot of what unsettles them is Donald Trump's claim that the Brexit vote sets the stage for a similar reaction against elite political and economic arrangements in the United States.
"[. . .] The Leave campaigners in the UK succeeded because there are millions of working-class voters -- many of them in the left-leaning "Labour heartlands" of northern England -- who know that globalization has not worked for them. Well, there are millions of Americans in battleground states such as Ohio, Michigan, Missouri, Indiana, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina who know that globalization has not worked for them.
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