If you are just a working stiff waiting your turn to do the Fukushima Nuclear Shuffle off this planet, then tell your neighbors:
"Let's Make Them Chernobyl the Reactors!"
Remember, as Albert Einstein famously said "There are no secrets." The facts of Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima are all known. There is no mystery; there are no excuses; in short, there is no other way. Bomb the **** out of The Fukushima Killing Machine. Get off your asses and do it. It takes aircraft, sand, boron, water, concrete, and the simple will to "Chernobyl the Reactors.[3]"
Politicians world wide will either kill the reactors or they won't. Talk is cheap. Life is even cheaper. We must kick their asses at the first and every opportunity; we must punish them and not let up until we see the reactors dead.
Go for it.
AIPRI BLOG -- English Translation below.
sabato 16 aprile 2011 *
Fukushima = 2000 bombe atomiche.
Fukushima, ossia le circa 200 tonnellate di combustibile presenti nelle 4 centrali e le 2800 tonnellate di scorie delle malmenatissime piscine sovrastanti i reattori, rappresenta un micidiale ed apocalittico potenziale contaminante per avvelenamento interno dell'intera umanità equivalente a quello di 2000 bombe atomiche di fissione (di 500 kt ciascuna"). Fukushima à ¨ insomma in grado di disperdere nella biosfera 5 volte pià ¹ veleni "longevi" respirabili (cesio 137, stronzio 90, plutonio 239, ecc.) che l'insieme delle esplosioni atmosferiche non lo hanno fatto. In sintesi à ¨ come se Fukushima "valesse" 1000 Megaton !
NB. Circa 360 kg di Cesio 137 sono stati "liberati" dai "test" atmosferici di fissione -190 Mt-. Fukushima e le sue scorie sono in grado di "liberarne" 1800 kg ! 1 Mt à ¨ realizzato tramite la fissione di circa 57 kg di U233, di U235 o di Pu239. Ogni megaton "produce" pertanto 57 kg di prodotti di fissione di cui circa 17 kg (30%) sono elementi di fissione di periodo superiore ad un anno come il cesio, lo stronzio, il tecnezio, il prometio, il samario, l'europio, ecc. Ogni megaton "produce" anche circa 23 kg di prodotti di attivazione come l'U236, Il Pu238, il Pu239, Il Pu240, Il Pu241, l'Am241, ecc.
AIPRI BLOG, 16 April, 2011,
English Translation. Any errors of translation are my own and I take responsibility for the English version. -- Bob Nichols
Fukushima, or rather the almost 200 tons of fuel present in the four reactors and the 2800 tons of old reactor cores in big 40 ft deep swimming pools that stand over the reactors, represent a lethal and potentially apocalyptic contaminant for the internal poisoning of the whole human race. Taken together, the active reactors and old cores are equivalent to 2000 atomic bombs of 500 kilotons each. Fukushima is then, capable of dispersing in the biosphere, five times the long lived breathable radioactive poisons, cesium 137, Strontium 90, plutonium 239, etc., than all the combined nuclear detonations to date. It is as if Fukushima were equal to a 1000 megaton Atomic Bombs; or expressed another way, 2,000 individual 500 kiloton Atomic Bombs.
Note: Around 360 Kilos of Cesium 137 were released in atmospheric testing -- 190 Megatons-. Fukushima and its nuclear waste products can release 1800 Kilos! One Megaton is arrived at by the fission of about 57 kilos of Uranium 235 or of Plutonium 239. That means that every Megaton produces 57 kilos of fission products of which 17 kilos (30 %) are fission elements with a life of more than a year, Strontium, Technetium, Promethium, Samarium, Europium, etc. Every megaton also yields about 23 kilos of activation products such as U236, Plutonium238, Plutonium239, Plutonium240, Plutonium241. Am241, etc.
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