Believing in foolishness and worshipping false gods is a kind of prison which one can unconsciously enter and remain trapped in for a long time--a prisoner of one's own belief system--supported by others who are similarly self-imprisoned. To escape that trap one must muster the courage to use their God given abilities to think for themselves while adhering to a high level of intellectual honesty and integrity. Not always an easy thing to do in our culture.
Now I understand that there are times when a person might come to feel so lost and downtrodden that it only seems right and proper to support them--at least for awhile--in seeking refuge and solace in the lies, illusions and false hopes that they were taught to believe in. But on the whole, it's still the honest search for the truth and not well meaning lies or illusions that remains the key to one's own freedom and salvation as well as the freedom and salvation of others.
Teaching people that Jesus is going to return and rule like a king might not be the most effective way to help this planet become a more hospitable place to live. To believe Jesus would be interested in such a job is quite presumptuous and highly unlikely. How would that work exactly in practice? Does God not believe in democracy? One day people might discover that when they are moved to pray to God for help, it is really God praying to them to use their brain" to think of something useful to do that really might help" and go out and make the effort.
Learning how to be a thoughtful, compassionate, responsible human being is what it means to grow up. Some people never do. Some people take longer than others to grow up simply because they have become trapped in religion's illusions and stupidities. If you are inspired by and find value participating in your religion, fine. Religion can sometimes actually serve a useful purpose. Just try not to have it corrupt your morals, intellect, integrity, or sense of self. God is real and not a myth. You don't need to join a church, mosque, or synagogue to find God. God is already closer to you than your own breath.
Have a little faith.
Copyright (C) by Mark A. Goldman 2010
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