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Is Russia Imperialist?

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Stansfield Smith
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Russia's Labor Productivity Compared to the European Union and US

The prospect of significant change in these figures is belied by the problem of the low productivity of Russian labor. Labor productivity, here measured by the gross domestic product valued in U.S. dollars divided by the total number of hours worked by the country's workforce, stood at 25.4 in 2016 for Russia.. This is the lowest rate among all the European countries, so low in fact, that it is less than half the average European Union rate of 53.4. Russia' labor productivity is 36% of the US level of 69.9; Germany is 68.1. Russia remains mired in a backward country's level of productivity, far from being able to compete with that of the advanced capitalist centers.

The World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness Report based on a combination of twelve factors, ranks Russia as 38 on their list, higher than several of the eastern Europe countries. The report's ranking has improved Russia's position from 67thin 2012-13, to 38th in 2017-18. [6]

Russian Manufacturing Output

The role Russia plays in the world economic system can again be understood when comparing manufacturing output by country in dollar terms. In 2015, China ranked first with $2,010 billion

in manufactured goods, 20% of world output, and the US second with $1,867 billion, 18%. Russia ranked number 15, behind India, Taiwan, Mexico and Brazil, producing $139 billion

in manufactured goods, again a marginal player, producing only 1% of world output.

2. Russian Exports of Raw Materials vs High Technology Goods

In their export trade, imperialist countries typically show a marked tendency toward sales of sophisticated, high-value finished goods; of knowledge-intensive technical services; and also of financial services. Nations oppressed by imperialism typically are restricted to the export of raw materials at prices determined by the imperialist market and to production of finished goods by imperialist-owned corporate subsidiaries located in their countries.

In 2017 of the top export countries in the world, Russia ranked number 17, after Mexico, United Arab Emirates and Singapore. China ranked first, with $2,263 billion in exports, the US second with $1,547, Germany third with $1,448, with Russia up significantly from 2016, yet still only exporting $353 billion worth of goods.

The World Bank reported on Russia in 2017 that oil and gas account for 58% of exports, metals for another 11%, 6% food raw materials, 3% wood and pulp and paper, 4% precious stones and metals, other minerals. Over 82% of Russia's exports are raw materials, while actual finished technological goods (including military) only made up 8% of exports. [7]

Russia's top 10 exported and imported items in 2017 show that machine goods amounted to $12.8 billion in exports compared to $106.2 billion in imports.

Russian exports (and imports) do not fit in the pattern of an imperialist state, but rather of a semi-developed Third World state, exporting primarily raw materials, and relying on foreign import of advanced goods.

Russian Ranking in the Export of High Technology Goods [8]

Imperial powers would be the leaders in the export of high technology goods. In terms of world ranking in the export of these goods, China was again first, with $496 billion in high technology exports, with the US third (after Germany), exporting $153.2 billion. Mexico exported $46.8 billion. Russia ranked 31 in exports of high technology goods, with merely a total of $6.64 billion in exports. These figures also show that Russia is a long way from becoming an imperial player on the world stage.

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anti-war and solidarity activist, of Chicago ALBA Solidarity. See ChicagoALBASolidarity.wordpress.com

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