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OpEdNews Op Eds    H3'ed 5/20/19

Israel is an apartheid state, nothing to do with anti-Semitism, denying the Holocaust or being anti-Jewish

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Dave Lefcourt
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Here's the reality that can't be ignored:

All the Jewish mostly Orthodox settlements built in the West Bank, Jerusalem, the Golan Heights are illegal under international law.

Israel bulldozes Palestinian people's homes, destroys their olive groves, remove the people with impunity in order for mostly Orthodox Jews to build homes and settlements on the Palestinian land that was confiscated. Then Israel orders its IDF, Israeli defense Force to protect these Jewish settlements.

The Jewish settlers consider the Palestinian's as "squatters" just occupying land these settlers believe God bequeath to the Jews thousands of years ago. But the Palestinian's are indigenous to lands they have lived on and cultivated for generations spanning hundreds of years.

As to the Palestinian's living in Gaza they're essentially confined in an open air prison. Israel prevents them leaving. There's an Israeli embargo on all goods and services permitted into and out of Gaza. And periodically since 2007 Israel has invaded and bombed Gaza killing hundreds of mostly innocent people that can't escape the onslaught.

Israel has built a 22' wall around the West Bank essentially preventing Palestinian's from entering Israel. Roads have been built from the Israeli settlements into Israel proper only for Jews to travel. Palestinian's are permitted to enter Israel can only through Israeli manned checkpoints.

So it's not a stretch to view Israel as an apartheid state no better than South Africa treated its black people when the country existed under white apartheid rule.

But times are changing particularly among young Jews that no longer automatically accept Israel and its policies toward the Palestinian's as did their parents elders who had relatives in Europe who were murdered by the Nazi's during the Holocaust.

How ironic now these Orthodox Jewish settlers in the West Bank, maybe many(most?) Jews in the State of Israel and the IDF see all Palestinian's as vermin, often killed indiscriminately, no different than Hitler and his Nazi henchmen did mercilessly slaughtering Jews during the Holocaust.

[1] "US Congressmen accused of bullying Ireland over Israeli settlement goods boycott", by Claren Tierney, "Irish Central", February 25, 2019.

(Article changed on May 20, 2019 at 17:32)

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