Outside of producing scads of money for those corporations that cashed in off of the fear-mongering after the World Trade Center fell there have been few who have benefited from the TSA, which should be an acronym for Thousands Standing Around. The agency has been an abject disaster when it comes to stopping "terrorism" and recent reports show an astonishing failure rate on spot checks to test security. There are also the more unsavory aspects and the ugly truth that the TSA is far more successful when it comes to terrorizing those whom they are theoretically tasked with protecting.
There is now a documented history of TSA goons feeling up small children, sexually assaulting women, humiliating old women in medical diapers, theft, abusing their positions for sexual gratification, and just generalized thuggery of the type that can be expected when a government empowers bullies and petty authoritarians to positions of power. Thuggery like the wanton and unconscionable beating of young Hannah Cohen. In any decent country -- too bad we don't live in one -- an incident like this would receive mass media coverage and elicit calls for reform. Don't hold your breath waiting for them.
Granted there do need to be security measures at the nation's airports. This is the age of ISIS and other fanatical groups who were spawned by our criminal foreign-policy elite and their ongoing destabilization of the Middle East and they really who do want to kill us but the TSA is not up to the job. It's probably far too late to cut out this cancer now that fascism has been permanently embedded in the nation's DNA so rather than take appropriate action to demand accountability Americans will just continue their slow, sheep-like shuffle into a future of darkness and totalitarianism.
Food for thought as Americans celebrate Independence Day.
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