9. Free public education through post grad as in Germany and others
10. Where gentrification raises real estate prices, include a tax to help fund affordable housing for those displaced
11. Establish true public access media networks for all media, including internet
12. De-privatize prisons. Release all but violent or dangerous persons. End the death penalty and all punishment models and initiate restorative and restitution practices.
13. Allow "public option" models for all goods and services deemed essential to living..... including electricity, communications, medications, etc.
14. Limit the ownership of wealth by a graduated income tax - any amount over "X" will be taxed at higher and higher rates, with a top limit of $X,000,000.
15. Tax paying citizens will have a say in how their taxes are to be appropriated
16. Provide funds and means to established worker owned co-ops and industry
These are just suggestions to get the ball rolling. There are endless questions to be considered. A new constitution? A multi-party ranked voting system? Abandon the Dems as they have abandoned us? What about military and foreign policy, currently at hybrid war with China and Russia and continuing to colonize the southern hemisphere? How to address the clash of empires?
Other tactics: John Rachel's Candidate Contracts - how to give that traction? Boycott, Divest, Sanction corporations. In the style of Extinction Rebellion, cause disruption and interruption of business as usual and use the sites to disseminate information unavailable on MSM.
Most Important: How do we overcome this pervasive divisiveness and not engage in "us vs. them" concepts. We're all affected by and reacting to the betrayal of our expectations. Understand that Trump supporters are merely reacting to the breakdown of their social norms, making them vulnerable to the "promises" of a cult leader. We must find ways to communicate across boundaries, identify and develop commonalities, such as love of family, desire for physical and economic security, equal opportunity despite wealth disparity, and our essential human "like-kindness" understanding we're all in this together. Can we imagine these unknown, unseen access tools into existence?
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