for being "unevacuable," NRC evacuation plans are "fantasy" documents," said
Nader. The U.S. advised Americans within 50 miles of Fukushima to evacuate.
Some 20 million people live within 50 miles of the Indian Point plants and New
Yorkers "can hardly get out" of the city during a normal rush hour." Nuclear
power is "unfinancable," he said, depending on government fiscal support
through tax dollars. And it is "unregulatable" with the NRC taking a
"promotional attitude." And, "above all it
is undemocratic," said Nader, "a technology born in secrecy" which continues.
Meanwhile, said Nader, "as the orders dry up in developed nations" for nuclear
plants, the nuclear industry is pushing to build new plants in the developing
at the event in New York City, moderated by Riverkeeper President Paul Gallay
and held at the 92nd Street Y, a segment of a new video documentary
on nuclear power by Adam Salkin was screened. It showed Salkin in a boat going
right in front of the Indian Point plants and it taking nearly five hours for a
"security" boat from the plant to respond, and Salkin, the next day, in an
airplane flying as low as 500 feet above the plants. The segment demonstrated that
the nuclear plants on the Hudson are an easy target for terrorists and, it
noted, what it showed was what "terrorists already know."
San Onofre nuclear power plants were closed permanently three weeks after the
June panel event--and after many years of intensive actions by nuclear opponents
in California to shut down the plants, situated between San Diego and Los
Angeles. The panel's appearances this week in New York City Tuesday and Boston
Wednesday, titled "Fukushima--Ongoing Lessons for New York and Boston," are
aimed at the same outcome occurring on the East Coast.
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