Historically, banks have attempted to
maintain a loan-to-deposit ratio of close to 100%, meaning they were "fully
loaned up" and making money on their deposits. Today, however, that ratio is
only 72% on average; and for the big derivative banks, it is lower yet. The unlent
portion represents the "excess deposits" available to be tapped as collateral
for the repo market.
The Fed's quantitative easing
contributes to this collateral pool by converting less-liquid mortgage-backed
securities into cash in the banks' reserve accounts. This cash is not something
the banks can spend for their own proprietary trading, but they can invest it
in "safe" securities -- Treasuries and similar securities that are also the sort
of collateral acceptable in the repo market. Using this repo collateral, the
banks can then acquire the laundered cash with which they can invest or
speculate for their own accounts.
Lokey notes that US Treasuries are now
being bought by banks in record quantities. These bonds stay on the banks'
books for Fed supervision purposes, even as they are being pledged to other
parties to get cash via repo. The fact that such pledging is going on can be
determined from the banks' balance sheets, but it takes some detective work.
Explaining the intricacies of this process, the evidence that it is being done,
and how it is hidden in plain sight takes Lokey three articles, to which the
reader is referred. Suffice it to say here that he makes a compelling case.
Can They Do That?
Countering the argument that "banks
can't really do anything with their excess reserves" and that "there is no
evidence that they are being rehypothecated," Lokey points to data coming to
light in conjunction with JPMorgan's $6 billion "London Whale" fiasco. He calls
it "clear-cut proof that banks trade stocks (and virtually everything else)
with excess deposits." JPM's London-based Chief Investment Office [CIO] reported:
businesses take in more in deposits that they make in loans and, as a result,
the Firm has excess cash that must be invested to meet future liquidity needs
and provide a reasonable return. The primary reponsibility of CIO, working with
JPMorgan's Treasury, is to manage this excess cash. CIO invests the bulk of
JPMorgan's excess cash in high credit quality, fixed income securities, such as
municipal bonds, whole loans, and asset-backed securities, mortgage backed
securities, corporate securities, sovereign securities, and collateralized loan
"That passage is unequivocal -- it is as unambiguous as it
could possibly be. JPMorgan invests excess deposits in a variety of assets for its
own account and as the above clearly indicates, there isn't much they won't
invest those deposits in . Sure, the first things mentioned are
"high quality fixed income securities," but by the end of the list,
deposits are being invested in corporate securities [stock] and CLOs
[collateralized loan obligations]. . . . [T]he idea that deposits are invested
only in Treasury bonds, agencies, or derivatives related to such "risk
free" securities is patently false."
He adds:
"[I]t is no coincidence that stocks have rallied as the Fed has pumped
money into the coffers of the primary dealers while ICI data shows retail
investors have pulled nearly a half trillion from U.S. equity funds over the
same period. It is the banks that are propping stocks."
Another Argument for Public Banking
All this helps explain why the largest
Wall Street banks have radically scaled back their lending to the local
economy. It
appears that their loan-to-deposit ratios are low not because they cannot find
creditworthy borrowers but because they can profit more from buying airports
and commodities through their prop trading desks than from making loans to
small local businesses.
Small and medium-sized businesses are
responsible for creating most of the jobs in the economy, and they are
struggling today to get the credit they need to operate. That is one of many
reasons that we the people need to own some banks ourselves. Publicly-owned
banks can direct credit where it is needed in the local economy; can protect
public funds from confiscation
through "bail-ins" resulting from bad gambling in by big derivative banks;
and can augment public coffers with banking revenues, allowing local
governments to cut taxes, add services, and salvage public assets from
fire-sale privatization. Publicly-owned
banks have a long and successful history, and recent studies have found
them to be the safest in the world.
Representative Grayson and co-signers observed in their letter to Chairman
Bernanke, the banking system is now dominated by " global merchants that
seek to extract rent from any commercial or financial business activity within
their reach." They represent a return to a feudal landlord economy of unearned
profits from rent-seeking. We need a banking system that focuses not on casino
profiteering or feudal rent-seeking but on promoting economic and social
well-being; and that is the mandate of the public banking sector globally.
For a PublicBankingTV video on
the bail-in threat, see here.
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