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Life Arts    H3'ed 10/17/16

The Promise of Local Currency in Bottom-Up Cultures

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It's a hallucination designed to control people and to make the real "money holders" more and more money, which equals more and more power.

The dollar, as I understand it isn't worth the paper it's printed on. It's akin to the movie Matrix. We are living within a horrid hallucination that makes us think the dollar bill has worth.

As an answer to this predicament, consider a statement in 1984 by Robert Swann. His essay is titled The Role of Local Currency in Regional Economic Development:

"Much of this tendency for money to leave the rural areas and be sucked into urban financial centers results from the centralization of banking, which took place in the early part of this century under the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and the pressure of World War I.

Previous to 1913, local banks created their own funds based on their gold reserves. They were not dependent on the Federal Reserve Board to control reserve requirements-the amount of credit or money available within local regions. During the early part of the nineteenth century, this fact played a very important role in the rapid development of the U.S."

Where are we now with our currency and the condition of the United States?

Where is the gold? Is it under the bed sheets of the Rothchilds?

Does a dollar bill still state its value in gold? It used to.

What of inflation in line with these lies we are living?

What if, like Maine, we have what are called "Time Dollars" where a dollar equals an hour of work that can be exchanged for services and in some cases goods? I say some cases because often folks have to pay the cost for goods".e.g., seeds a farmer may buy to create the food.

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Burl Hall is a retired counselor who is living in a Senior Citizen Housing apartment. Burl has one book to his credit, titled "Sophia's Web: A Passionate Call to Heal our Wounded Nature." For more information, search the book on Amazon. (more...)
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