We no longer cure diseases, we create them. We assure people that they are in fact, victims who are suffering. Why? First of all, it takes the locus of control off of the person. It makes them secondary to the condition. Suddenly, someone who eats too much can feel better about eating too much. Someone who likes to beat their wife can feel better about their "Relational Disorder." The victim mentality also removes personal responsibility. It's not your fault you're the victim. Lastly, the victim mentality strips the person of any ability within themselves to resolve their own problems apart from pharmacology. And that's the goal. You now are a customer who needs to have their condition managed. And management costs money.
You are talking billions upon billions of dollars in sales of medications. This is big business. So much so, they have tried for years now to get the next generation hooked on psychiatric drugs as early as possible through "Teen Screen." This is a computer administered exam designed to diagnose your child with psychiatric disorders and then offer medication regimens for treatment. Your child doesn't like doing math homework? Don't worry they are suffering from "Developmental-Arithmetic Disorder." They like to argue with their parents? Well, they need medication right away for their "Oppositional-Defiant Disorder." You don't like being labeled psychiatrically? Poor thing, you are just debilitated by "Non-Compliance with Treatment Disorder." I wish I could say I am making these up but they are actual classifications within the DSM.
But this is what it has come to in latter-day America. We are creating a victim society driven by the age-old motivator greed. I am not anti-medication. I just think if I go to the doctor with a nail in my foot I should get the pain killer and have the nail removed. Maybe that's just my "Idealist-Dreamy-Pie-In-The-Sky-Disorder" acting up again. I just believe that disease mongering and selling misery should not be allowed in this country. I guess that's my "Anti-Establishment Logical Syndrome" flaring up again. I just think that kids who act like kids are not suffering from an attention problem they are acting like kids. I guess that's my "Teachers Should Learn How to Teach Every Child Disorder" kicking in again (ok, I made these up, but look for them in the DSM 6).
Creating a victim society will not empower anyone and that is partly the goal; a disempowered populace. Sympathy enables but empathy empowers. A victim is passive by definition. It has conceded control to whatever it is a victim of. A victim speaks from a place of defeat. A place of powerlessness. But don't' worry about it folks. I am sure they are coming up with a new condition for the victims they are creating and a pill to go along with it. It's just in consultation now.
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