TX: Local company making replacement eslate machines
Internet Voting Watch
DC: Public Examination Period Suspended (internet voting for overseas/military)
http://www.dcboee.us/dvm/ Due to usability issues brought to our attention, we have temporarily suspended the public examination test. Thank you for your intereste and participation in improving the functionality of this pilot project.
Rock the Vote President Obama declared October as National Voter Registration Month. Do your part and register to vote right now:http://bit.ly/95FGRQ
Federal Voting Assistance Program, DoD Haven't received your ballot, see what options your state has electronically by going to www.fvap.gov . Every voter has at least one option to receive their ballot online.
Federal Voting Assistance Program, DoD Over 5,500 military ballots have come from overseas MPOs and the most going to Florida!Express mail for overseas military is working! Submit your ballot today!http://www.fvap.gov/global/news/nr22-2010.html
Subject: Lessig Op-Ed: How the campaign finance system is eroding confidence in Congresshttp://www.fixcongressfirst.org/blog/entry/subject-lessig-op-ed-how-the-campaign-finance-system-is-eroding-confid/
India: EVM theft: Ex-minister seeks bail
Fearing arrest in the theft case of an Electronic Voting Machine (EVM), a former minister of state has approached the Sessions court seeking anticipatory bail. Madhav Kinhalkar, who was minister of state for home in 1993, and his brother Satish Kinhalkar, filed an anticipatory bail plea after receiving notices from MRA Marg police station directing them to appear for questioning.
UK: Clegg's referendum on voting reform hits a snag... no one understands what he's on about http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1316591/Nick-Cleggs-voting-reform-referendum-hits-snag--understands-it.html The Electoral Commission - which is required by law to assess the question - found people with lower levels of education or literacy found it 'hard work' or completely impossible to understand.
Voting News by Joyce McCloy.Archives here at http://votingnews.blogspot.com/
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