Should she find common ground with the Freedom Caucus, a neo-fascist group that keeps its membership (which is by invite only) secret?
Should she find common ground with Sen. Marco Rubio's determination to keep out Syrian refugees and Latin-American children?
Should she find common ground with Sen. Marco Rubio who says, "marriage is only between a man and a woman."
Should she find common ground with Sen. Mitch McConnell who wants to slash all domestic programs, including Social Security.
Should she find common ground with Ted Cruz who thinks we should carpet-bomb ISIS and Iran?
Should she find common ground with the lunatic fringe's Koch Brothers?
Should she find common ground with Republicans who would sell our National Parks to the highest bidder?
Will she support Sen. Rand Paul who says Americans don't work hard enough?
Should she find common ground with Sen. Rand Paul who opposes the entire concept of minimum wage?
Should she find common ground with Rep. Paul Ryan who wants to reduce income-tax rate of the 1% from 25 percent from 39 percent.
Should she find common ground with Sen. Mitch McConnell's determination to keep taxes on the rich low?
Should she find common ground with Sen. Ted Cruz's proposal to nuke ISIS?
Should she find common ground with Rep. Paul Ryan who wants to terminate Medicare and Medicaid?
Should she find common ground with Republicans who oppose the break up of the five biggest banks that have 45 percent of the nation's assets?
Should she find common ground with the military-industrial-mega-corporation complex, that today spends more money than we spent on the Cold War, Vietnam and Korea, and is losing?
Should she find common ground with Sen. Marco Rubio's call for the reinstatement of torture?
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