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Why not Caroline Kennedy?

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Lydia Kopere Patterson
Message Lydia Kopere Patterson
"Caroline Kennedy is no Sarah Palin. In Kennedy's case, those actors would be senators, not heads of other, potentially belligerent, nations."

Obama worked as community organizer, trying to make a difference in South Side Chicago. He felt powerless and thought the best way to serve was to run for the State, Us Senate or higher office.

Likewise, Caroline Kennedy as an advocate for future generation's education and for public schools,  now  "feels the commitment"- to serve at a level which she believes will allow her more power to accomplish whatever she couldn't or can't in her curent position.  

Is it a requirement to be a born politician to be eligible to run for an office? is that what the constitution says? Or maybe she'd have been more qualified if her name wasn't Kenned--then maybe people would focus more on her first name and what she actually accomplished in her lifetime, rather than just looking at her "stardom."

After all, can a baby choose his/her family, name, birthplace or origin? If not, so why do we waste so much time about these subjects just to make someone DIFFERENT from us or an excuse to discriminate? As OBAMA stated in his campaign, he's tired of the same old thing.   I too get tired of  hearing things like: "someone is different" or not like a "normal politician."

What does it mean to be a normal politician? 

Let's take time to look BEYOND what we see and open our minds outside our "standard" definitions to understand the individual beyond celebrity, stardom, or apparent "label."

As or the meaning of "different," of course we are different--simply because our creator wanted it so--and difference to me is obviously why each of us is called "individual." So what a waste of energy talking about the obvious rather than the ideas THE INDIVIDUAL in question can bring?

Regarding the definition of normality or abnormality, isn't it simply a convention? Barack Obama was supposedly different, thus NOT NORMAL because his name didn't sound like John Smith or whatever name "suitable" to run for US presidency. It was a name too  "exotic". So what? What wrong with exoticism?   Should we all look like "cloned individuals" sound like name, speech, character or personality instead of just being the "individuals" with our uniqueness as we were designed to be? Does John Smith a normal sound for everyone on earth? is that all we need to become a good public servant? Anyway thank God, America finally spoke out and send THE message.   

Now is Caroline Kennedy already disqualified simply because she's part of a dynasty?  Knowing the Kennedys sacrificed so much as public servants, I think it'd be unfair to talk of her as a dynasty which to me seems like assimilating her to the "do nothing emperors" from those old days.  Caroline Kennedy has done a lot that most of us don't even know to be considered as such. She's UNIQUE.  Unfortunately we seem to endlessly wanting to associate her that "celebrity label" despte her desidre to be jusk like any citizen with a desire to serve. But have we even try to find out about her UNIQUENESS first before we jump into judgement?

FYI - http://www.opednews.com/maxwrite/diarypage.php?did=5816

After all that she and her family endured, she could simply decide to live a quiet life, to  enjoy her fortune and fame. But none of that. Instead she's choosing to serve rather than live a comfortable life.  What's wrong with that? The response should be NOTHING.

Anyway I'm sure she would have been criticized even if she had chosen to remain the Kennedy daughter she's. We would have heard thinkgs such as  "Unlike the Kennedys, Caroline is daddy's princess" and alike.  Wouldn't we? Whatever she does, I'm guessing, she'd be critized.  So let her be what she wants to be!

Why can't we learn to be appreciative and grateful to those who have the courage to serve this great nation at this moment of great challenges not for themselves but for the people?  Particularly when we know they gain no fame or popularity they've already got.

Another good example of an inspiring public servant, and there a many, is Peter Samuelson, a producer/Philanthropist, was asked by a CNN anchor, why bother helping the homeless being who he is? His answer was it’s absurd to have people sleeping in concrete a civilized society.  Among other great leaders, the Kennedys gave their lives for Public service.  Following them many others are already committed some others in the process and now if Caroline Kennedy "feels the commitment". What's wrong with that?   In conclusion, I think this is high time we let those who want to serve and give people HOPE the space they need to do so.  Caroline Kennedy is a great personality. She's been serving for so many years in privacy, she will do just fine to come out and serve in public.  How would she do it? The answer to that, how would you do it if you were her?   BEARING IN MIND ONE DAY WE MUST ALL BE ABLE TO DO OUR PART IN OUR COMMUNITY, STATE, COUNTRY OR WORLD

as in John F. Kennedy most famous quote:


 "My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you -- ask what you can do for your country." "My fellow citizens of the World ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man."  

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