"Dr. Vuyyuru exemplifies the best of our traditions in medicine." Stated Mr. Mike McCray, Esq. co-chair of the IAW. "This doctor really has put himself on the line for patients. His case is very similar to that of Dr. Campbell, who exposed a huge scheme of unnecessary heart surgeries in Redding California. Dr. Larry Poliner in Dallas Texas is another doctor who showed HMO mendacity and fraud."
HCA has already been exposed as one of the most corrupt corporations in US history. Two whistleblowers, Mr. John Schilling and James Alderson, won the largest fraud cases in history against HCA, resulting in return of more than $1.7 Billion by HCA to the US treasury. Nurses at HCA, alarmed by increasing corruption and poor patient care, have recently started a website to alert the public, and join in solidarity with the doctors and accounting whistleblowers from HCA
"I applaud and encourage any effort in which ordinary citizens stand up and take a close look at hospital corporate operations-to shine the light on major concerns such as patient safety and fraud," says John Schilling about the HCA nurses' and doctors' efforts.
"We have seen a surge of judicial problems in cases involving the medical system," continued Zena Crenshaw, a judicial whistleblower and treasurer of the IAW. "Judges do not consistently apply the law in medical cases, generally to the detriment of individual doctors, their patients and potential patients. The public owes Drs. Vuyyuru, Campbell and Poliner case a huge debt. Too long, doctors have been muzzled by Big HMOs. We can't let Big HMOs continue to put profit before patients. If judges applied the law as written and intended by Congress, we wouldn't have this problem. The Fourth circuit needs to rule decisively for deserving patients, and for Dr. Vuyyuru."
"Whistleblowers could have prevented the meltdown of our mortgage system," continued McCray. "There is nothing more precious than health. We need to listen to Schilling, Alderson, the HCA nurses and courageous doctors like Vuyyuru, Poliner, Peeno and Campbell.
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