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OpEdNews Op Eds    H1'ed 10/3/20

Will Trump Collect His Pardon and Flee Like a Virus?

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Harvey Wasserman
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In 1919 the "Spanish Flu" that killed 675,000 Americans stroked out Trump's fellow racist, Woodrow Wilson, whose wife hid his dementia until he left the White House in a daze.

In 1974, Dick Nixon traded his escape for a pardon from VP Ford; it cost Gerry the 1976 election.

Trump will lose a fair 2020 vote count. His debacle debate and coup talk have freaked the uber-rich, who value stability above all (see The Lincoln Project).

But when a thug is down, he flips the table.

The planet has probably never been in greater peril.

Time is short. He could blow up the Earth.

But he could also blackmail Pence for his pardon, claim illness and leave without losing, for which there's no quid pro quo to the quintessential narcissist.

Could Pence then beat Biden?

That would depend on Election Protection.

Trump's been betting on a dictatorial trifecta: stripping the voter rolls, trashing vote-by-mail and early voting, then flipping the vote count.

His bully fascists are already attacking the polls.

But a national Election Protection movement has risen to resist.

Remembering Florida 2000, Ohio 2004, and Wisconsin-Michigan-Pennsylvania 2016 be it Trump or Pence, by election theft or coup d'e'tat our lives depend on protecting what little is left of our tattered democracy.

That wavering sliver of middle-aged midwestern middle-roaders won't do it.

This election will turn on how many millennials come out to vote, work the polls, protect the outcome. A Democratic promise to abolish student debt and re-green the planet would help.

But the millions who marched for George Floyd MUST show up to beat an attempted coup, COVID or otherwise.

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Harvey is a lifelong activist who speaks, writes and organizes widely on energy, the environment, election protection, social justice, grass-roots politics and natural healing, personal and planetary.He hosts "California Solartopia" at KPFK-Pacifica and "Green Power & Wellness" atprn.fm. (more...)

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