In light of this week's events, do you have any comments regarding this story?
W. Leon Smith
The Iconoclast
Dear Mr. Smith,
I believe that the Sunday (5/6) U.S. media release of a new "Al Qaeda / Al Zawahari" message is meant to revive the American people's fear of "Islamic terrorism." You noted, no doubt, that Al Zawahari's remarks labeled the Democrats as defeatists emphasized the importance of Iraq and generally insulted the USA. These are all points that might have come from the mouth of Karl Rove, since they mirror Bush Administration rhetoric. In fact, I think the statements -- and the entire message -- did originate with Karl Rove and the White House, which has constructed and controlled the Al Qaeda myth since 9/11.
On Tuesday, (5/8) the U.S. medial promulgated an FBI story about a "home grown" terror cell's intention to attack soldiers at Fort Dix, New Jersey. This story was an echo of summer, 2006, "Global War" propaganda asserting that "Canadian Al Qaeda" intended to capture Parliament and behead the prime minister, and that Florida-based Al Qaeda "wannabes" intended to blow up the Sears Tower.
Today U.S. media is spinning the Fort Dix plan as reminiscent of 9/11 and Al Qaeda, thereby causing the most anxiety to the American people. The Bush Administration/U.S. media propaganda cycle, in short, supports our concern that the Homeland Security/Defense Department mass terror exercises now under way across much of the nation may be a pretext for a pre-planned false flag terror attack against the American people.
Please accept this as an official Ghost Troop alert to the prospect of more government treason like 9/11. Please do not read my remarks as a prediction. The nature of the information contained in your article and my observations is not specific enough for this command to issue a prediction.
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