Iran is not a threat to America, any more than Iraq was; but the Bush Administration and its neoconservative cheerleaders seem determined to start a war with Iran before they leave office.
Freedom Watch, the White House front group that already spent $15 million promoting Mr. Bush’s “surge”, is now employing focus groups to determine the best way to sell a war with Iran to the American people (Mother Jones, Nov. 2007).
So, the next time you see a news report about Iran that describes the situation as the “Nuclear Showdown” and portrays Iranian President Ahmadinejad as the new Hitler with his finger on the nuclear trigger--please keep in mind that Iran has no nuclear weapons and no missiles capable of reaching the United States. In the “showdown” between the U.S and Iran; the U.S. is the only one with an unstable leader, armed with nuclear weapons.
Short of jamming communications, changing the launch codes and putting Bush and Cheney into protective custody (to protect the world from them); I don’t know how to stop an administration that ignores international treaties, Congress, the U.S. Constitution and our laws. But whatever we do, we can’t sit quietly while George W. Bush starts another war. Call the Capitol switchboard (202-224-3121) today and tell your senators and representative--NO WAR WITH IRAN!
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