No doubt the perceived threat from Iran will diminish should Tehran yield to Washington, generously delivers its oil to Israel to better enable it to continue its expansionist policies, and participate in human rights abuses in the name of freedom and democracy vs. state sovereignty. But even if the regime in Tehran succumbs, will the people who have accomplished so much under such extraordinary circumstances, surrender?
[iv] Meshkati, Najmedin and Guive Mirferendeski. “North Korean Nuclear Brinkmanship: The Demise of the NPT Regime of the Failure of the U.S. Unilateralism?” Iran News 18 Jan. 2003
[v] Mark Hibbs, “US in 1983 stopped IAEA from helping Iran make UF6", Nuclear Fuel, 4 August 2003
[vii] Iran Times, August 22, 1997
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