Alito disagreed with the majority ruling of his own court. That happens. That is how our system works. I might add that the current court is 6-3 in Alito's favor so for them to rule against the president probably means Alito's on the wrong side of this. The precedent that would be set otherwise is that it would no longer matter what Congress actually authorizes money for because the president can choose to do what he wants. No. He has to go back to Congress. This is a congress that is completely subservient to him anyway and that is how we can know that this is really not about the individual issues. This is about stretching the powers of the executive branch so that there are no more checks and balances. The hubris to make the argument that obeying the Constitution would stop the Executive Branch from performing its constitutional functions is chilling. The birthright citizenship case is a perfect example of what is afoot here. The president does not have the power to overturn an amendment to the Constitution. Now, I know the right is pretending that what we all know to be true since 1868 is somehow now incorrect because of King Trump. That is why the courts exist. They get to make their arguments and the other side gets to make theirs. That is what this is really about. The Betsy McCaughey's of the world feel they should not be put upon to make the arguments. They should just be left alone to rule. So what if some innocent people end up dead in some Salvadorian hellhole? So what if people who have only known themselves to be citizens of this country are suddenly not? Who cares?
Thank God the courts still care.
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