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OpEdNews Op Eds    H2'ed 11/10/14

Nazi NATO, but No War Crimes Tribunal? Why?

Eric Zuesse

Eric Zuesse

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The above is from a video discussed below, about what "our people" are doing

to "their people."

A friend who lives in Ukraine sent me this message a few hours ago:

I got a call from Donestsk the other day asking me if I knew anything about a bomb that sucks the air out of a room or building and tears people up in the process. Granted it was only part of what happened. A fireball followed.

The survivors had left the room and had two structural walls between them and the detonation site. It was probably a small bomb/missile, but the only type I know of as a possible explanation is a thermobaric or vacuum bomb. Have you heard of any other weapon that can do this?

Also, there is a rumor about SCUD missiles, which Ukraine was supposed to have demolished 20 years ago. People say that they are being deployed to Donbass. Do you know anything about this?

A genocide is going on, but it's supported by the West, and so Americans and Europeans aren't learning much about it from the standpoint of its victims (the residents of Ukraine's southeast). Perhaps that's why there aren't calls for war-crimes trials about the genocide.

Here's the background (for those who don't already know it):

Southeastern Ukraine had voted overwhelmingly in 2010 for the President who was overthrown by a violent coup on 22 February 2014, and so the coup-imposed Government is trying to kill them, to clear the land from them but keep their territory; it calls those people "terrorists" for their rejecting this coup-imposed Government, but the reason they reject it isn't only because it was imposed in a violent coup against the man for whom they had overwhelmingly voted, but also because this new Government is trying to get rid of the people who live there, to clear the land from them, to get them off of Ukraine's voter-rolls. This new coup-imposed Government wants to remain in power, through future 'democratic' 'elections,' without needing to worry about these voters, enough of whom will then be gone so that this Government can stay, no matter whom its personnel are.

Ukraine, even before the February 2014 coup, was the most far-right country in all of Europe and the former Soviet Union, but now, with so many of the voters in its least-conservative region (the southeastern) gone, this extremist rightwing Government will probably last. However, they want to get rid of yet more of them, just to play it safe.

So, the civil war between the Government and those residents is continuing. That Government has already held elections within the areas it's not bombing, elections in order to claim that they're not the same government as the violently coup-imposed one -- that they're a democratically elected government instead. However, it has the same people, who are the politicians that received their electoral support in the northwestern half of Ukraine. There was little or no voting held in much of the southeast. So, this is actually a sectional war, an ongoing civil war, with the northwest bombing the southeast. The oligarchs in the northwest want their land, but want to get rid of the people who live on it. And this is being called "pro-Western."

Ukraine's civil war started on May 2nd. That was when the newly installed post-22-February-2014-coup-imposed Ukrainian Government made unequivocally clear, via a shocking massacre, that the people who live in the regions which had voted overwhelmingly for the former Ukrainian President, Viktor Yanukovych, needed to be either dead, or otherwise gone -- but, in either case, absent from Ukraine, and gone from Ukraine's voter-rolls. The pro-Western, anti-Russian, Ukrainians who carried out this massacre inside the Trade Unions Building in Odessa on May 2nd, by burning alive the people who had been encamped there circulating literature against the new Ukrainian regime that Obama in his February 2014 coup in Kiev had imposed upon Ukraine, called themselves the "Right Sector." And here is their preferred way of killing people, which they had practiced at and even before their coup, but now yet more systematically during this May 2nd massacre (and, this time, you can see it in the context it's viewed at youtube):

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The people who did what's shown in that picture are called "Right Sector," because they belong to the far-right Ukrainian political party of that name, who constitute one of two racist-fascist, or nazi, parties that Obama installed into control over Ukraine in February of this year.

Ukraine's other nazi party is called "Svoboda" or "Freedom," a name that the CIA had given to them them in 2004 (based on the appeal in the West of the concept of "Libertarianism" or "Freedom") in order to avoid PR problems with their original name, which was overtly fascist, the "Nationalist Social" Party, inverted from Hitler's "National Socialist," or the original German, "Nazi," Party. Another reason for the name-change was that the U.S. had waged war during the 1940s against Germany's nazis and other fascists, and so the U.S. as of 2004 didn't want to be publicly known as pro-nazi (pro racist-fascist) (though that's what it evidently has become). The Bush-Obama Administrations wanted to hide the fact that they had hired nazis for the years, building up to both the February coup and this May massacre. At least in the U.S. and Europe, they hid it (though a few scholars noticed it).

The person who largely funded the massacre was a Ukrainian oligarch, Ihor Kolomoysky, who hired in Washington Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden and a few other bright young people associated with high U.S. officials. (Joe Biden is a big supporter of Ukraine's coup-regime.) For all these people it was a potentially very lucrative business deal, having to do with gas-deposits in southeastern Ukraine, and possibly also with stock-investments in 'defense' firms. But for the lower-level nazis who carried out the dirty-work, this was done as much for the fun of it as it was for the pay of it ($5,000 per corpse, paid by Kolomoysky). Indeed, the crowd outside the burning Trade Unions Building cheered just moments after a pregnant woman in one of the upper floors was raped and screamed and was then promptly strangled to death with an electrical cord. Immediately after this rape-murder, someone (perhaps the rapist's buddy) stuck a big Ukrainian flag out the adjoining window, and that's when the crowd cheered. And when people jumped from upper floors to the hard ground below to escape the flames and the choking smoke, they were immediately batted to death by eager nazis waiting below with bats, so that medics would be able to save as few of them as possible.

The Right Sector's leader is Dmitry Yarosh, who is a rabid hater of all ethnic Russians (which is why Obama and congressional Republicans support him -- he gets the job done for them [and for their campaign donors] in Ukraine). In fact, Yarosh is on the wanted-list by Interpol for his having incited fundamentalist Islamic Chechens to wage a war to separate the Chechen region of Russia from the rest of Russia. (Yarosh loves separatists in Russia, but hates separatists in his own Ukraine.) TIME Magazine said, in its 4 February 2014 interview with Yarosh, that "His ideology, it seems, is just too toxic to let him in the room," and that the U.S. State Department thus told him to keep quiet, though he was undoubtedly crucial to the ultimate success of their coup on February 22nd. TIME's interviewer wrote, "He has clearly grown tired of being the movement's anonymous enforcer." Immediately after February 22nd, Yarosh was the enforcer whose troops terrorized members of Ukraine's parliament or "Rada" to approve the new government, which had been secretly selected early in February by Obama's Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Asia, Victoria Nuland, telling America's Ambassador in Kiev whom to appoint. The person at the new Government's top was to be Arseniy Yatsenyuk, or "Yats" as she called him; and "Yats" promptly set about to assemble a government of mainly nazis but also some fascists (or non-racist right-wing extremists). Yarosh's Right Sector continued to be the main enforcers in the new Government, because they really love to torture and kill people. (Most of the merely conscripted soldiers don't; many go AWOL once the see what they are doing.)

Months later, here is what Yarosh's people did to ethnic Russians in Ukraine's southeastern region, who were trying to protect themselves and their families by serving in the newly formed separatist army against Yarosh's and Obama's new nazi Ukrainian regime:

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Different videographer, different part of Ukraine, different event, different time, same modus-operandi -- torture, then burning to death -- and same basic reason: these people wanted to save themselves and their families from being treated this way by nazis whose passion is hatred of ethnic Russians. However, the people who were destroyed in the first picture were civilians, but the people who were destroyed in the second one were volunteer fighters against nazis, and were presumably armed when caught.

Here is how the great American war reporter George Eliason, who now lives in that region, describes that particular scene:

"When these groups, or some of the Ukrainian National Guard forces, take prisoners, torture and murder has generally followed. " When murdered prisoners are found, their pants as shown in this photo are at their ankles. It has been confirmed that the Ukrainians are sodomizing war prisoners with spray foam. This causes their lower intestine to burst and the abdominal cavity to be filled with hardening foam. The pain is extreme." Eliason adds that they use other tortures, too: "War prisoners are still being dragged behind vehicles until there is little left to recognize [whom or even what] they were."

The intense hatred that Ukraine's nazis have toward ethnic Russians is clear; it's also the reason why many ethnic Russians are escaping en-masse into Russia, for refuge. (That serves Obama's needs just as well as killing them does; he simply wants those voters not to remain inside Ukraine, because otherwise his regime won't be able to win Ukrainian national elections; he wouldn't achieve nazi, anti-Russian, stability there; so, the U.S. would lose control over Ukraine. Obama and the Republicans want to place nuclear missiles there, right next door to Russia, much like the Soviet leader wanted to do to the U.S. during the Cuban Missile Crisis.) Eliason's report includes video taken on November 5th of a team of nazi troops laughing and making merry as they prepare to release their rapid-fire rocket-launchers randomly onto Donetsk, to maim and kill as many people, and destroy as many buildings, as possible. Then, too, Eliason links to the news report by the independent journalist Graham Phillips in Donetsk, who managed to video at the morgue one of the nazis' kills, a Donetsk child.

In the first still here, from Graham Phillips's video, is seen a huge gash on the corpse's right arm and another on the right side of what had been the right side of the former-child's chest; the second picture shows a huge gash in its left side, as well as two shrapnel holes into what had been the child's chest:

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It seems that a big piece of shrapnel ripped straight through from one side of this child's chest to the other.

On June 1st, the press secretary to Yarosh, Borislav Bereza, posted to Facebook the new Government's plans for the southeast. An English translation was posted of it on November 6th. Here are excerpts from that translation:

"What I am going to say is brutal, but honest. " There is only one solution to the problem [in the southeast] -- a full-scale military operation.

Phase one -- a locality is surrounded, through loudspeakers population is notified to leave the territory in 1-3 days, after which all remaining will be declared accessory to the enemy. "

Phase 2 -- the city will be subject to massive attack with heavy weaponry.

Phase 3 -- " the final phase of the operation [like Hitler's 'Final Solution']. Targeted strikes against the city. "

You will say it's harsh? It's absolutely necessary.

Otherwise in a couple of months it [opposition to Obama's February coup in Ukraine] will metastasize in other regions [where Yanukovysh received, say, only 70% to 80% of the vote]. Therefore an urgent surgical operation is needed [to remove the malignancy, the spots where he received more than 80%]. Those who want to be human shields for the occupants [in the regions that in 2010 had voted over 80% for the man whom Obama's coup in 2014 overthrew] are not brainwashed citizens of Ukraine, but are traitors helping a foreign invader [Russia]. These people have always been eliminated. ... There are no other solutions to the problem in Eastern Ukraine. " If [the newly elected but only in Ukraine's northwest, President, Petro] Poroshenko wants to go down in history as a person who brought peace [like Hitler's Thousand-Year Reich was to be a reign of peace] to the country and preserved its territorial integrity, then he will give that order."

Poroshenko gave that order.

On June 4th, NATO headlined, "Press conference, by the acting Minister of Defence of Ukraine Mykhailo Koval following the meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Commission in Defence Ministers session." Minister Koval met privately with NATO chiefs, and held a public press conference afterward. He opened by noting that, "The Defence ministers of the allied countries who spoke at the meeting unanimously supported Ukrainian authorities, Ukrainian Armed Forces and security forces engaged into antiterrorist operation in the east of Ukraine." In other words: NATO endorses the ethnic cleansing.

He said that he had, "informed colleagues about practical steps taken by the antiterrorist operation command aimed at extermination of criminal groups in the east of Ukraine."

He said that though "Ukrainian authorities ordered the participants of the antiterrorist operation that no civilian person should suffer as a result of that operation, it is extremely difficult to conduct all these operations, and I should tell you the commanders of the antiterrorist operation give commands to liquidate some groups." He didn't specify what "groups," but at least one of them was obvious: ethnic Russians.

Ukraine was not yet (and still is not) a NATO member-nation; nonetheless, he said: "We today received the most important, the total support of the whole Alliance. As I told you 21 ministers spoke and all supported us. It is very important for us." So, he was reaffirming that NATO gave them a go on the ethnic-cleansing operation.

On June 11th, an "Anti-Maidan" or anti-ethnic-cleansing, site posted to youtube excerpts from previously unpublished press-conference Q&A-session statements by Koval, made perhaps at that NATO event. This was titled "Secretary of Defense [Mikhailo Koval] About Concentration Camp for Eastern Ukraine People."

He was shown saying:

"There will be a thorough filtration of people. There will be special filtration measures put in place. We will filter out people, including women, who are linked to separatism, who were committing crimes on Ukrainian territory, crimes related to terrorist activities. We have a lot of information regarding this, and we have a formidable framework to combat this, and respective power structures will carry out this operation. Besides, this is a serious issue, related to the fact that people will be resettled to other regions."

On June 16th, the pro-Government Kyiv Post reported that the property of the people in Ukraine's Donbass, the southeast, will be confiscated, and "Land parcels will be given out for free to the servicemen of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and other military formations, as well as to the employees of Interior Ministry and the Security Service of Ukraine that are defending territorial integrity and sovereignty of the country in eastern and southeastern regions of Ukraine." That's their euphemism for the ethnic cleansing, and mass-theft. In other words, Obama's rulers of Ukraine are offering their soldiers the opportunity to grab legally the property of their victims. Ukraine doesn't have the money to pay for all the soldiers that are needed to do this ethnic cleansing; so, those soldiers are being promised war-booty, instead. Sort of like paying them by tips: but with the bigger tips going to the killers with the most (or biggest) scalps.

When people in the area of the ethnic cleansing managed to shoot down one of the regime's planes and its 49 soldiers who were in the process of perpetrating it, Prime Minister Yatsenyuk himself vowed revenge, by using clear nazi language: "They lost their lives " in a situation facing a threat to be killed by invaders [i.e., by the residents, not by those troops from the northwest that they shot down] and sponsored by subhumans [presumably meaning Russians]," he said. "First, we will commemorate the heroes [the exterminators] by wiping out those who killed them and then by cleaning our land from the evil." However, of course, that's what he was already doing ("cleaning" the land), which is the reason why that plane was shot down in the first place: those troops were invaders and killers, instead of heroes.

A TV commercial was running on Ukrainian TVs this summer, in which the chief local agricultural pest (the Colorado beetle), which Ukraine's far-right frequently uses in order to symbolize the country's Russian-speakers, is portrayed destroying crops and then being exterminated as the solution to the problem in Ukraine. The symbolism used there is immediately understandable to Ukrainians, though (and this is one reason it's used, since they are advised by our CIA) not so easily understandable to people outside that country. Propaganda like this helps to rouse the racist nationalist sentiment to make them "exterminators," heroes to their fellow-racist-nationalist haters of people whose native language is Russian. (At first, the nazis tried to outlaw the speaking of Russian, but that didn't work out because Russian is the predominant language in Ukraine.)

The United States Government is united behind this ethnic-cleansing campaign. America's news media refer to it in the same way that the client-nation, Ukraine, does: as an "Anti-Terrorist Operation," or "ATO" for short. Our people are killing only "terrorists," like we are doing inside Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Pakistan, and other Islamic-majority countries. (But there, at least, we have been trying to target actual terrorists, not the general population of the area. So, while that might have been wrong to do, or perhaps even counter-productive, it isn't blatantly a war-crime.) The dominant myth says that we have somehow been attacked by non-Islamic, even Christian, "terrorists." They want to live; too bad for them, then. And there is no UN, no EU,, no one actually but the Russian Government, that cares -- and even Russia can't fight the whole world, to stop what used to proudly call itself "the Free World," when Russia wasn't part of that -- and now nothing in the West seems any longer even to be that. Everything in the West seems to be now only a charade of that.

But it is Russia, and not the United States, that is being condemned and sanctioned. Furthermore, U.S. President Obama and the European leaders who participated in this genocide or "ethnic cleansing," have slammed Russia with even steeper economic sanctions, to punish Russia for the downing of a civilian airliner that one or two Ukrainian Air Force warplanes actually shot down, targeting directly into the pilot's stomach and leaving a huge hole from the approximately one thousand bullets fired directly into his belly.

All of this -- from the "false flag" coup, to the "false flag" airliner-shoot-down -- were like Hitler's burning of the Reichstag building and blaming of it upon "the communists." Except, this time, it's being blamed on "the Russians." And, this time, it's the U.S. that's leading the nazi and the lesser fascist forces, rather than warring against them. This time, Washington created the nazi and fascist attacks. And Europe, the IMF, and NATO, have been following along and adding muscle to Obama's crimes.

But, after all, Obama is a 'liberal,' and he won the Nobel Peace Prize. Hitler wasn't so successful. But Hitler created the ideology, which Obama only applies in Ukraine. This is Hitler's posthumous victory, in what seems to be (at least from the ideological standpoint) an ongoing World War II, which we can only hope won't morph into World War III (inasmuch as Obama and NATO are actually targeting Russia here).

On November 7th, the website "Ukraine Crisis Updates: Unfiltered news from ordinary people in Ukraine," bannered "USA to train Ukrainians to fight people of Donetsk in cold weather," and reported, from Lviv, which is a particularly far-rightwing Ukrainian city:

"United States government is getting ready to train Ukrainian military and punitive battalions in winter combat techniques before the end of the year. The goal is to make Ukrainians more efficient in killing people of Donetsk and Lugansk in cold weather.

Training will take place in Starichi educational center in western Ukraine -- sources say. Starichi is localted in Yavrov military polygon in Lviv region.

American government will train a group of Ukrainians who will serve as instructors within Ukrainian military. They will spread knowledge on how American government thinks is the best way to kill people of Donetsk. Candidates to become Ukrainian instructors should be selected by November 10.

It is not yet known who will finance the training."

Three days earlier was posted there "Video of Ukrainian army shooting up school and police station in Donetsk.. ..for fun," and the viewer sees them laughing while they fire their rifles into buildings hoping to kill occupants. This action was videoed on the same day, November 4th.

An article posted there August 31st, "Ukrainian Kids Being Taught to Hate," shows numerous photos of classrooms and of crowds marching under nazi and often even under German Nazi banners, sometimes even displaying photos of Adolf Hitler, and an accompanying link shows a classroom in which children with Russian names are told to change their names. A Svoboda member of parliament says of ethnic Russians, "These creatures who go here, they deserve one thing: death." in another link, she says: "Ukrainian kids must be called Ukrainian names. In the whole world, kids are named according to a sovereign nation's rules. They don't name children in a Jewish way in America! If parents don't teach children Ukrainian identity, I as a politician have to do it for them."

That site is operated by some residents of northwestern Ukraine who are appalled at what their Government is doing, and who want to get word out to the world about what is being done. None of the articles are signed. But these people are very courageous to be doing what they are doing. Considering the portions of Ukraine in which they live, they probably live in fear of their neighbors finding out. People in the West are supposed to be kept ignorant of such realities -- war-crimes that are sponsored by their own governments.

Here is more on Ukraine's training of children to hate Russians. The stiff-arm salutes by those children shown in that video should not be to Adolf Hitler or to Ukraine's local one Stepan Bandera, but instead to Barack Obama; but, considering that these kids also want all Blacks out of Europe, they're no likelier to "Heil" to him than America's Republicans are -- no matter how much Obama's policies might be pushing their agenda. And some of Ukraine's leading nazis are even Jews. Rationality about ethical matters is not to be expected from conservatives, any more than the sanitary purity of untreated sewage would be. However, the vast majority of America's Democrats still support and admire President Obama; so, they're conservatives, too. That's how conservative America has become.

NATO has no reason for existence anymore except to stir World War III against Russia. It is a war-criminal operation, straight-out. It needs to end, now; and only Europe can do it, but Europeans must first demand it. Russia doesn't threaten Europe. America does. There are other things that also do, such as Islamic extremism that's sponsored by Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the United States -- when they're not bombing it so as to boost U.S. and European arms-makers. The U.S. is a much bigger threat to Europe than either Iran or Russia are. But the truth is being kept from European publics, just as it is being kept from Americans.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of They're Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of CHRIST'S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.

(Article changed on November 10, 2014 at 10:44)

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Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of  They're Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010,  and of  CHRIST'S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that (more...)
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