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ROMAN ZADOROV - the Israeli Mendel Beilis

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Joseph Zernik
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  • In a secretive filing with the Court, Chief Prosecutor of the North District Attorney Office Shila Inbar wrote, "the Requester is abusing the term 'Right to Inspect', and such right should not be considered permission for anybody to bother the Courts and the Offices of the Clerks... As far as the Respondent knows, the Requester has not been appointed Ombudsman of the Courts, and nobody authorized him to conduct investigations and reviews."

  • Roman Zadorov never objected to the inspection, but the State Prosecution did, alleging "sensitive materials" and "invasion of individual privacy", and the Supreme Court adopted such claims. It appears that the State Prosecution is invoking Privacy Rights regarding conduct of the Israel Police and the State Prosecution itself. It is the same claim that was made against publication of Commissioner Gerstel's report - "damaging the reputation" of the State Prosecution.

  • Corruption scandals have also rocked the top echelons of State Prosecution and Israel Police: The Head of the National Anti Corruption and Organized Crime Unit Menashe Arbiv, Head of the National Fraud Investigation Unit Efraim Bracha, former Tel-Aviv District Attorney Ruth David, and others have been implicated in major bribing scandals. [iii] Senior justice system figures are routinely not held accountable. Inspection of court records in major corruption scandals routinely produces evidence of conduct of sham/simulated court process by judges. The system appears unable to address its own corruption.

    In 2009, US Ambassador to Israel James Cunningham cabled to the State Department a report (published by Wikileaks), titled, "Israel: Promised land for organized crime?" [iv] The report appears to have grossly underestimated corruption of government in Israel in general, and corruption of the justice system in particular.

    The complaint alleges that the Israeli justice system is unable to address its own incompetence and/or corruption.

    The Working Group on Arbitrary Detention usually conducts its investigations and actions vis a vis the relevant governments in a discreet fashion. However, the Working Group does publish its opinions.

    In December 2015, the Group published its opinion in the case of Julian Assange:

    Mr. Julian Assange was arbitrarily detained by the Governments of Sweden and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. In that opinion, the Working Group recognized that Mr. Assange is entitled to his freedom of movement and to compensation. [v]


    i The Zadorov Affair: False murder conviction of a Ukrainian exposed massive corruption of the Israeli justice system_OpEdNews.com


    ii The complaint and attachments:

    2016-07-11 In RE: Roman Zadorov - Ukrainian citizen detained in Israel


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