Solidarity with other groups is essential. We need a new peace and justice movement, bringing together peace groups, workers, faith communities, and others in strategic alliances.
Jimmy Hoffa has corroborated this need for solidarity. Quoting MLK again, LeBlanc said that bombs dropped on Afghanistan harm our communities at home.
Next week, on November 17, OWS will celebrate its two months of existence with a party, joined by Rebuild the Dream, centered around the need to bring our tax dollars home from war.
The first action will be to attempt to stop the opening bell on Wall Street. Townhall meetings will be held in the subways. A line of cabs will next accompany lines of Occupiers crossing the Brooklyn Bridge.
Inspiration will be drawn from walking many miles in other people's shoes, she said.
Problems do exist with OWS, including flareups caused by agents provocateurs and the presence of chronically homeless people among them. In response, OWS is offering workshops on nonviolent resistence and other means of effective communication with opponents.
Given that 42 percent of the world's military spending comes from the coffers of one country, the United States, an amount that exceeds that spent by the next sixteen countries combined; and given that the $2.5 bn cut from LIHEAP, a program that provides heating and air conditioning to indigents, is equal to forty hours of Pentagon spending; and given that the $2.2 bn deducted from Community Development Block Grants is equal to thirty-five hours of Pentagon spending; and given that some 39 percent of our 2011 budget consists of military expenses--
all of the above according to Jo Comerford, director of the National Priorities Project in Northampton, Massachusetts--
how can thoughts emanating from MLK, Mahatma Gandhi, or Nelson Mandela not keep us awake at night instead of letting us sleep through the revolution?
The founder of the 25% Solution, Professor Prasannan Parthasarathi of Boston College, lauded Congressman Barney Frank (D-MA) for putting military spending "on the table" in Congress--how can our pressing needs be neglected?
As Swami Tattvavidananda Saraswati said, seeking security will keep us insecure.
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