Thanks to Fox News and the Limbaugh/Hannity talk radio lot, Republicans are still pro-actively arguing for our rights to be withheld by the government. The same government they say is too big, is too incompetent, is too liberal. After 9/11, we traded liberty for security, directly contradicting the clearest language in the Constitution, without a peep. We declared War Powers without a true war, we allowed spying on ourselves and we invaded sovereign nations without cause. Democrats bought in, lending the necessary votes.
Obama continues further, through the Trespass Act which strips our First Amendment right to petition elected officials with grievances, now a felony punishable by 10 years in federal prison. The Tea Party, who used to love picketing and protesting stood by deaf and dumb as this passed both houses unanimously, quickly and quietly. The left did little more than report on it.
But worse by far, the NDAA stripped our Sixth Amendment right to a speedy trial by a jury of our peers, to face our accuser, to have an attorney and the protection of due process enshrined in over 800 years of democratic tradition. Our new law says a single bureaucrat can be your judge, jury and executioner whether you are armed on an overseas battlefield, or walking down the street in your American home town. Suspicion alone is now all that is needed to indefinitely capture or kill any US citizen, to deprive them of rights stated plainly in the Constitution in extra-ultra-unmistakeably clear language.
The Obama administration is apparently hanging this on Bush's "enemy combatant" designation, which applies during wartime (eleven years and counting) and quite newly, to any part of the USA homeland, now considered a "battlefield" from sea to shining sea.
Obama also denies our 4th Amendment protection of privacy, collecting all emails, texts and call data to create long-term profiles of every single citizen. Multiple NSA defectors have confirmed they created capability to map our personal and digital histories, aided by automation to sift through all communications, presumably to aid law enforcement "if necessary". This is all being done in secret, at great expense, under the program Stellar Wind.
The Republicans Lost Potential for Big Wins
If you'd told the GOP candidates they could run against Obama on multiple proven violations of the US Constitution, you'd think they'd be all over it. But curiously, Republicans across the board shrink on what should be slam-dunk issues that grab US voters by their red-blooded heartstrings. Why? Republicans are even more power-mad than Obama, hoping to get back in power to take the reins of Nixonian spying, executive assassination, indefinite detention, corporate glad-handing and absolute suppression of dissent.
Republicans love to share images of Obama shredding the Constitution or buggering Lady Liberty, but claim it's Obamacare that is unconstitutional, the same policy that originated with them when first suggested by the Heritage Foundation. Full circle and head-up-ass.
Case In Point: Media Shill Sean Hannity
Here is a good illustration of right wing talk's servility to the military industrial iron fist behind the bigger assault on the Constitution. It occurs as Huffington Post editor Ryan Grim appeared on Sean Hannity's radio show to debate Benghazi versus Michelle Malkin.
Hear Sean Hannity catch himself when confronted with the illegality of our extrajudicial policies and endorse them! It started when Hannity demanded the "liberal" Grim address consequences for Obama hiding info about the 9/11/12 attack.
But Grim unexpectedly brought up bigger war crimes - drone strikes, indefinite detention and warrantless wiretaps. Hannity, on his heels, hinted at impeachment for Obama denying claims the consulate attack came as retaliation for CIA interrogation of Libyan militants.
Again, Mr. Grim surprised Hannity, agreeing it would be a "punishable" crime if Obama had lied. But things spun out of control for Hannity and his producers as Ms. Malkin and Grim agreed to co-write an article calling for Obama's impeachment. Hannity then goofs, realizing he just help frame an attack on Obama from the left that big media prefers to avoid:
Sean Hannity: "If in fact we had a secret prison there and were interrogating Libyan militia in a CIA annex, that would bother you?"
Ryan Grim: "Yes, wouldn't that bother anybody?"
Sean Hannity: "No that actually wouldn't bother me too much...because you know what, there's a war on terror going on and, and...that's...that would be a pretty interesting change of positions, wouldn't it Michelle?"
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