But in the face of everything outlined above and so much more, the campaign has basically come down to this dialogue:
“Anti-American n-word”!
“Lying b*tch”!
(Please forgive. I believe those awful words are needed to illustrate the stark rankness and vapidity of the “debate”).
Jefferson weeps. Lincoln weeps (and Douglas too). Susan B. Anthony weeps. Reverend King weeps.
And an old white man with a nasty temper born of PTSD from his days of honorably and heroically serving the war machine -- a good enough man, but a man who really won’t change a damn thing and will, therefore, make things much worse by paddling us farther and faster toward the giant waterfall -- is likely to get elected in the end.
By deciding to tolerate this absurd method of campaigning, we are saying bye, bye woman’s reproductive freedom; bye-bye right to privacy from government or corporate intrusion; bye-bye right to hold corporations accountable for the injuries they cause; bye-bye freedom of speech and the press; bye-bye freedom to assemble peaceably and to protest (especially and most quickly bye-bye to you); bye-bye government free from religion and the right to freely practice non-Judeo Christian religions; bye-bye checks and balances; bye-bye gun laws; bye-bye Constitution.
Now, we all should be weeping. For it is we who have done all of this. We who supposedly run this country. We the people who ordained and established it. We who are its true sovereigns. We have done this and we are doing this and only we can change it.
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