I'm having this recurring vision of flocks and then more flocks of returning, roost-seeking chickens. There will be so many flocks of roosting, rampaging, revenge-reaping chickens (Also known as: the collective enmity of the people of the world beyond our shores ... peck, cluck, cluck peck; ad this to, our nation's financial insolvency (personal and collective) ... cluck, cluck, scratch, peck, scratch peck; those - combined that with the increasingly apparent realities of Global Warming ... peck, peck, peck, scratch, CLUCK!; as well as, our Nation's crumbling infrastructure; plus, the vast catalog of other ills looming over us ...CLUCK! CLUCK! PECK! PECK! PECK!) - Returning chickens, all ... thronging the streets, boulevards, Interstate highways, back roads, and private driveways of the U.S.A. Such a proliferation of barnyard fowl blowback -- it will look like Col. Sanders, OD'd on bad acid, having a vision of his eternal damnation to come.
Are we utterly defenseless against these pervasive and pernicious narratives? I don't believe so -- if we practice the imperative of the free: That being: Question everything -- from street signs to sacred assumptions; from the cant of local boosterism to the hagiography of the famous, both living and dead. There may be hope for us yet: If we face down and call out those everyday, soul-grinding, life-defying lies that begin the process of acceptance of -- hence complicity in -- the preventable tragedies that have come to define our times.
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