Below is a list of 30 anti-Trump incidents of violence, racism, intolerance, oppression, hoaxing or incitement by protesters, pop culture/Hollywood, college students, teachers, or other Americans.
- An activist at a Donald Trump protest told the crowd, "we need to start killing people. First off, we need to start killing the White House... White people, give your f***ing money, your f***ing house, your f***ing property, we need it f***ing all," [watch].
- Anti-free speech riots engulf UC Berkeley, prompting the school to cancel a Milo Yiannopoulos event [watch], where a female Trump supporter was pepper sprayed by a protester [watch], hit with flag poles, cornered, and forced to escape by jumping a fence. Protesters were physically preventing attendees from going inside, and a mob of rioters chased down and beat a Trump supporter unconscious [watch].
- Protesters attempt to prevent people from entering a Gavin McInnes event at NYU, sometimes physically attacking them [watch].
- A professor melted down in public, screaming at the NYPD because they didn't beat up people she labelled "Nazis" [watch].
- The Women's March on Washington barred a pro-life women's group (who opposed Donald Trump) to join the post-inauguration rally because of the group's stance on abortion [read].
- A man in Chicago, David Wilcox, was brutally beaten by people who were screaming "you voted for Trump" [watch]. Then, in the process of trying to stop the perpetrators from stealing his car, Wilcox got caught in the car door, and was dragged as the car sped away until he was flung from the stolen vehicle [watch].
- A high schooler in Maryland was punched and kicked by classmates because the kid was wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat [read].
- Mother's outrage after her son is suspended because HE was beaten up on school bus for wearing 'Make American Great Again' hat [read].
- A Trump supporter was knocked unconscious by anti-travel ban protester in Portland [watch].
- White people were ordered to the back of a march at the DNC protests: "I need all white people to move to the back. This is a black and brown resistance march," a protest organizer said. "You will not have a say all up in here... Take your rightful position and get behind us... If you see any white folks, direct them to the back of the crowd... White media, get to the back... White people to the back, black people to the front." Another woman wearing a hijab can be heard saying, "white people cannot be up front... white people will not be an obstruction no more!" [watch].
- Inside a classroom, a Dallas teacher yelled "die" while pretending to shoot Donald Trump [watch].
- "All I want for Christmas is white genocide," tweeted a college professor [read].
- "If you voted for Trump you cannot eat here! No Nazis," read a sign at a restaurant in Hawaii [read].
- CNN's Marc Lamont Hill: Blacks meeting with Trump are "mediocre Negroes" [watch].
- Muslim students at the University of Maryland are demanding (among other things) that the school puts a prayer room in every major campus building, and pay for transportation to off-campus mosques [read].
- The director of CAIR in Los Angeles tweeted that he hoped more people had died in a Russian plane crash into the Black Sea [read].
- More than 12,000 tweets have called for Trump's assassination since the inauguration [read].
Here are a few recent hoaxes apparently designed to make Trump and his supporters look racist:
- A Mississippi man was arrested in the burning of an African-American church that was spray-painted with the words "Vote Trump" -- the man is a member of the congregation, the church's bishop said. [read].
- A Louisiana student fabricated story of hijab attack, police say [read].
- A woman said she was assaulted and called a racial slur, but police said she made the story up. The woman had previously written about Trump supporters: I hope they all get AIDS [read].
- A woman who claimed that three men attacked her on a Manhattan subway and tried to pull off her hijab was charged with filing a false report [read].
- Police: Threat to burn UM student wearing hijab did not happen [read].
And here are some recent pop culture/Hollywood examples of intolerance, sexism, race-baiting and violence:
- Eminem calls Trump a 'bi*ch,', and raps about brutally raping Anne Coulter.
- Sarah Silverman called for the military to overthrow Trump [read].
- Filmmaker Lexi Alexander said she agreed with the riots at UC Berkeley and told her Twitter followers to "punch Nazis... riot when your college invites a Nazi... set it all on fire" [read].
- Saturday Night Live audience cheers wildly after character calls Donald Trump "little white bi*ch [watch].
- Ashley Judd said, "I feel Hitler in these streets... A mustache traded for a toupee. Nazis renamed." Judd also attacked Trump's relationship with his daughter, Ivanka, by saying, "your daughter [is] your favorite sex symbol." [read].
- Madonna said she had thought about "blowing up the White House" [read].
- Robert DeNiro said he would "like to punch [Trump] in the face" [read].
- Snoop Dogg on black artists performing at the Trump inauguration: "Which one of you jigaboo-ass nig**s gonna be the first one to do it? Wait, I'm going to roast the fu*k out of one of you Uncle Tom-assed nig**s for doing it [read].
Note: The views expressed here are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of St. Pete for Peace.