This author and his wife attended a rally in Brunswick, Maine hosted by 350 Maine, which is a local chapter of Bill McKibben's 350.Org. The participants of the rally spoke to why Maine, indeed the world, should not embrace the pipeline, even in the face of some nay-sayers who believe such a pipeline will help jobs and the economy.
So, the 350 members and supporters found the power within themselves and their community to speak their piece. Some even would have welcomed being arrested in true Bill McKibben style, as reflected in the following video:
Perhaps in conjunction with our identification of external natural, renewable powers to meet our energy needs, we also need to identify our internal source of power. It will take a far greater creative power to leave our remaining fossil fuels in the womb of the earth than the destructive power to extract them, which we have recently allowed to co-opt our energies. We must divest more than our money from the fossil fuel magnates; we must divest our energy, labor, consumption, and belief. We are, paradoxically, both children and parents of the earth sun, wind, waters, and stars. We, too, are bearers and generators of the universal energy. Abundant energy flows within as well as without us. Consider the following:
We don't have to make this an either-or choice. We exist both because of and as the cause of the life-energy. As we work on developing alternatives to fossil fuels, we can also work on ourselves. The fact is: evolving this type of power within ourselves is going to take a lot of deconditioning of our belief in the need for external agents to "rule over us." The conditioning of our surrender to the external goes back to the times of the writing of Genesis where Adam, the Man (External), rules over Eve, the Woman (Internal, Psyche). It's deeply embedded. Is an accident that those workings as underlings are refereed to as "labor?"
Interestingly, it appears the writing of Genesis would have been right around the time of the movement from hunting/gathering and nomadic herdsmen towards more agricultural and urban means of support. Thus, stories like that of Cain slaying Abel could reflect a movement of hunting/gathering and nomadic herdsmen (Abel) being murdered by the civilized folks and agriculturalists, or Cain (see Daniel Quinn). This is not a battle that stopped back during Biblical times; we fought it again in our massacre of the Native Americans. It is also immanent in the destruction of the unionized labor class. We are fighting it now all over the globe to enable our greed to rape the earth.
To what could our modern day Bible (literally meaning "Book") be evolving? What do you say? You are not just a prophet; you are a source of whatever future there is to be. To what future for earth, wind, fire, and water, for all life inclusive of humankind, do you commit your vision, passion, and mission? The Bible, literally translated as The Book, is not about a time in history. Like all myths, it is about your life here and now.
What do YOU envision after speaking these words: "Let it be!?"
Now, be THAT change!