So you see, you may be innocent of wrongdoing now, but when the standard for innocence is set by the government, no one is safe.
Everyone is a suspect.
And anyone can be a criminal when it's the government determining what is a crime.
It's no longer a matter of if , but when .
Remember, the police state does not discriminate.
At some point, it will not matter whether your skin is black or yellow or brown or white. It will not matter whether you're an immigrant or a citizen. It will not matter whether you're rich or poor. It won't even matter whether you've been properly medicated, vaccinated or indoctrinated.
Government jails will hold you just as easily whether you've obeyed every law or broken a dozen. Government bullets will kill you just as easily whether you're complying with a police officer's order or questioning his tactics. And whether or not you've done anything wrong, government agents will treat you like a suspect simply because they have been trained to view and treat everyone like potential criminals.
Eventually, as I make clear in my book 'Battlefield America: The War on the American People', when the police state has turned that final screw and slammed that final door, all that will matter is whether some government agent chooses to single you out for special treatment.
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