Recently released testimony from 118 firemen, police and demolition experts describe explosive charges in the Twin Towers, and more evidence is pouring our every day tearing the so-called "official story" to shreds. Recently over 400 scientists, engineers, high-ranking military and explosive experts all members of Scholars for Truth were referred to as "terrorists" by a member of congress after they called for a new investigation into events of 9/11.
Do any of you think bush&co are going to allow a peaceful transfer over of power to people that may threaten them? These are the baddest, meanest, gang of sociopaths every to have inherited the White House.
Do you think after raiding our treasury, intimidation, torture, murder, treason, war crimes, genocide that they'll let an election to take place that could put them in jail take place, or if it does, they don't make sure it's rigged to put McInsane in? Obama will be lucky to make it to the election. These bastards have murdered everyone to date that's gotten in their way. Both Kennedy's, King, do you think they'll just stop killing?
Bush was on the floor threatening congressmen to pass the Patriots Act as anthrax was being sent to selected congressmen. Is it any wonder a document that experts said would have taken a minimum of 6 months to draft was ready in two weeks and all but less than a handful even read it before they signed it into law? And in a btw, Obama voted for it twice.
There are recent rumors that Murdock is backing Obama. Who’s to say this isn't a set-up? They might not even need to attack Iran to implement Marshall Law, BANG! Obama falls and they'll be riots enough. They might do both. Why not? As we're being distracted by our on-going Dog & Pony Show referred to as our "election process", the same lies are being spewed by the same players who are currently apologizing for screwing-up reporting on false claims about Iraq! We attack and they can point to all the lies and say, "see, we warned you, and no one questioned our reporting".
Rove is scheduled to testify or be arrested by July 10th, you think they'll allow that to happen? The attack on Iran might well be around then.
It's time to do something. Pick-up the phone, write a letter, paint a sign, visit your reps, give some money, do something.
Some of what we do will call for some huge sacrifices. Those that wage war are very good at what they do and have been preparing for this for a long time, whereas most of the masses have just started to get involved, if not just becoming aware. When they have perfected the art of killing against well trained armies, overwhelming masses of unarmed civilians are no match either, but again, if we don’t try to stop them, it is a certain fact that we’ll sub come to their swords.
For those to shy or incapable for whatever reason to pick-up a phone or sign, give money to this site, or other sites or organizations that are fighting the fight. The cretins have big oil and big business with unlimited funds and we have you. Whatever you can give that doesn’t take from you – give.
We don’t have much longer before they swing open the gates for the Four Horsemen to come galloping through, it’s already open. We must, not let them open it any further. We must slam it shut or you can kiss whatever dreams you had good-bye tonight. For tomorrow will bring a dark dawn.
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