Second and most important Judy Woodruff asked if there were any questions about conflicts of interest, how he would answer? This is where Dmitri Alperovitch's story starts to unwind.
His response was, "Well, this report was not about the DNC. This report was about information we uncovered about what these Russian actors were doing in eastern Ukraine in terms of locating these artillery units of the Ukrainian army and then targeting them. So, what we just did is said that it looks exactly as the same to the evidence we've already uncovered from the DNC, linking the two together."
Why is this reasonable statement going to take his story off the rails? First, let's look at the facts surrounding his evidence and then look at the real conflicts of interest involved. While carefully evading the question, he neglects to state his conflicts of interest are worthy of a DOJ investigation. Can you mislead the federal government about national-security issues and not get investigated yourself?
If Alperovitch's evidence is all there is, then the US government owes some large apologies to Russia.
After showing who is targeting Ukrainian artillerymen, we'll look at what might be a criminal conspiracy.
CrowdStrike CTO Dmitri Alperovitch story about Russian hacks that cost Hillary Clinton the election was broadsided by the SBU (Ukrainian Intelligence and Security) in Ukraine. If Dimitri Alperovitch is working for Ukrainian intelligence and is providing intelligence to 17 US intelligence agencies, is it a conflict of interest?
Ukraine has been screaming for the US to start a war with Russia for the past two and one-half years. Using facts accepted by leaders on both sides of the conflict, the main proof CrowdStrike shows for evidence doesn't just unravel, it falls apart. Is Ukrainian intelligence trying to invent a reason for the US to take a hard-line stance against Russia? Are they using CrowdStrike to carry out this?
Meet the real Fancy Bear and Cozy Bear, part of the groups that are targeting Ukrainian positions for the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics. These people were so tech savvy they didn't know the Ukrainian SBU (Ukrainian CIA/internal security) records every phone call and most internet use in Ukraine and Donbass. Donbass still uses Ukrainian phone and internet services.
These are normal people fighting back against private volunteer armies that target their homes, schools, and hospitals. The private volunteer armies like Pravy Sektor, Donbas Battalion, Azov, and Aidar have been cited for atrocities like child rape, torture, murder, and kidnapping. That just gets the ball rolling. These are a large swath of the Ukrainian servicemen CrowdStrike hopes to protect.
This story, which just aired on Ukrainian news channel TCN, shows the SBU questioning and arresting some of what they call an army of people in the Ukrainian-controlled areas. This news video shows people in Toretsk that provided targeting information to Donbass and people probably caught up in the net accidentally.
This is a civil war and people supporting either side are on both sides of the contact line. The SBU is awestruck because there are hundreds if not thousands of people helping to target the private volunteer armies supported by Ukrainian-Americans.
The first person they show on the video is a woman named Olga Lubochka. On the video, her voice is heard from a recorded call saying, "In the field, on the left about 130 degrees. Aim and you'll get it." and then, "Oh, you hit it so hard you leveled it to the ground... Am I going to get a medal for this?"
Other people caught up in the raid claim and probably were only calling friends they know. It's common for people to call and tell the family about what is going on around them. This has been a staple in the war especially in outlying villages for people aligned with both sides of the conflict. A neighbor calls his friend and says "you won't believe what I just saw."
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