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OpEdNews Op Eds    H3'ed 7/27/20

Leaked FBI Documents Reveal Secret Program To Criminalize Social Media

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The Real News Network

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Eli Richey: You're very welcome, any time. And at the end of the day, I just want to see the city of Portland be a better place. And to you guys out in Baltimore, I wish you guys luck. Act local and continue to think global with the social media platform that you have.

Taya Graham: I would also like to thank Intrepid reporter, Stephen Janis, for his investigative work, writing and editing on this piece. Thank you, Stephen.

Stephen Janis: Taya, thanks for having me. I appreciate it.

Taya Graham: And of course, I would be remiss if I did not thank friend of the show, Noli Dee. Thanks, Noli Dee.

And I want you watching to know that if you have evidence of police misconduct or brutality, please share it with us and we might be able to investigate. Please reach out to us. You can email us tips privately at par@therealnews.com and share your evidence of police misconduct. You can also message us @policeaccountabilityreport on Facebook or Instagram or @eyesonpolice on Twitter. And of course, you can message me directly @tayasbaltimore on Twitter or Facebook. And please like and comment. I do read your comments and appreciate them, and I try to answer questions whenever I can. My name is Taya Graham, and I'm your host of The Police Accountability Report. Please be safe out there.

Taya Graham
Taya Graham
(Image by The Real News Network)
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Before joining TRNN as an investigative journalist, Taya worked in Baltimore's neighborhoods of color for years as an advocate and was awarded the Coalition of 100 Black Women's Torchbearer Award and YANA's (You Are Never Alone) "Love in Action" award. Her years of outreach to underserved communities have uniquely prepared her to connect with city residents. Now she cultivates relationships with Baltimore's citizens to cover the stories on the ground.

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