1) Abolish the Federal Reserve. The destructive policies of Greenspan and Bernanke are not anomalies. This shareholder-owned banking cartel has been systematically enslaving Americans with debt and destroying the value of our currency since its spurious inception in 1913.
2) Establish a monetary system that is wholly owned and controlled by the People of the United States. The "fractional reserve" banking system allows private banks to create the public money supply out of nothing by "lending credit" on non-existent reserves. Money enters circulation in the form of debt repaid to private banks, a pyramid scheme that devastates our purchasing power. Our Constitution authorized ONLY the Federal government to create money and issue credit for the People of the United States.
3) The Treasury Secretary has historically colluded with the Federal Reserve to serve private financial interests with embezzled public assets. Fire Henry Paulson (and all Goldman Sachs intruders) and appoint a Treasury Secretary that serves the PUBLIC interest.
4) Let predatory institutions fail. American taxpayers are not responsible for their losses.
5) Permanently protect the public by imposing strict regulations on the finance sector. Short sellers destroy productive businesses by placing bets against them. Speculators inflate the cost of essential commodities without producing ANYTHING of value themselves. The quadrillion dollar derivatives bubble peddled by Wall Street swindlers to unsuspecting investors has eviscerated every legitimate portfolio and shattered the global financial system.
6) Criminalize "campaign contributions" and give ALL candidates free and equal time on the PUBLIC airwaves to eliminate excuses for bribery. Legislators whose votes were purchased with financial sector bribes collaborated in this premeditated orgy of greed. It was Congress that shattered the global financial system by strategically deregulating the US financial sector at the behest of unsavory benefactors.
The cure for systemic financial fraud is systemic monetary reform.
Resources for Systemic Monetary Reform:
Economist Nomi Prins timeline of deregulation: http://www.motherjones.com/news/feature/2008/07/where-credit-is-due-timeline.html
Attorney Ellen Brown: http://www.webofdebt.com
Historian Stephen Zarlenga: http://www.monetary.org/amacolorpamphlet.pdf
Author G. Edward Griffin (video): http://www.teachpeace.com/federalreservevideo.htm
Legislation H.Res. 2755 Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act: http://thomas.loc.gov