1. Withdraw the troops immediately, turning over the stabilization of Iraq to the UN and other Arab nations
2. Withdraw the troops by the end of 2006
3. Stay the course and keep our troops in Iraq until the president says the job is finished
4. Other/not sure
42. Do you think that all Americans are sacrificing during this time of war or do you think only the service men and women and their families are sacrificing?
1. All Americans 2. Only service men and women and families 3. Not sure
43. Which party do you think better reflects the teachings of Jesus Christ - Republicans or Democrats?
1. Republicans 2. Democrats 3. Both equally 4. Neither 5. Not sure
45. Do you agree or disagree that churches, synagogues, mosques, or other places of worship would lose their tax exempt status if they openly and actively support politicians or political parties?
1. Agree 2. Disagree 3. Not sure
Thanks, we're almost done. I just need some statistics.
701. What is your age?
903. Which of the following best describes your highest level of education?
1. Less than h.s. graduate 2. H.S. graduate 3. Some college 4. College graduate 0. Refuse (Do not read)
904. Which of the following best represents your race or ethnic group?
1. White, non-Hispanic
2. Hispanic
3. African American
4. Asian/Pacific
5. Other/mixed
0. Refuse (Do not read)
905. Which of the following best represents where you live? (Read choices)
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