But then dead children tell no tales.
All this pressure on me lately to simply "Shut up!" about Gaza reminds me of the times back in the bad old days when I thought there was something fishy about 9-11. "Bush knew!" I cried. "How could he not?" And if he didn't know, then the man should have been jailed for criminal stupidity. The documents telling him that something was up were right there on his desk.
And remember back in 2003, when if you even hinted that the War on Iraq was based on a lie, you were called unpatriotic -- and even a traitor? And we all know what happened there. Bush lied through his teeth.
If you don't know by now, I'm not going to tell you.
And remember how cruelly us liberals were made fun of and derided when we talked about stolen elections in Ohio and Florida, Halliburton fraud, outsourcing our jobs, large corporations that paid no taxes, Wall Street greed, the dangers of deregulation, etc. "The economy is gonna crash!" I cried. And people then accused me of being, er, nuts.
Okay. Let's face it. I've been right about all of this stuff so far. Yet now I'm not allowed to be right about the terrible massacres in Gaza?
I guess not.