2013 Policy Talks @ the Ford School: A conversation with Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the Federal Reserve (privately owned bank or set of banks overseeing the investment banking industry that has world hegemony.
(Image by Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy) Details DMCA
2013 Policy Talks @ the Ford School: A conversation with Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the Federal Reserve (privately owned bank or set of banks overseeing the investment banking industry that has world hegemony. by Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
"Yet the US - the only state to have ever used atomic weapons - has never apologized or made any atonement for this singularly horrific crime . Officially, the US justifies it as a legitimate attack during war even though many historical sources show that there was absolutely no military necessity for the bombings."
"Even former president and top military commander Dwight Eisenhower would later go on record as saying that the A-bomb attacks on Japan in August 1945 were completely unnecessary . "
'The unleashing of the atomic infernos on mostly civilian populations was simply this: an act of supreme terrorism. It was an act of barbarity callously calculated by the US planners to demonstrate their country's demonic power to the rest of the world - and the Soviet Union in particular. This premeditated rationale makes it an undeniable crime of the highest order ."
Reviewer janson: Yes, and the Japanese and all the other non-white vast majority population of planet Earth are well aware that if such a crime had happened to Americans, great punishment of the perpetrators would have been demanded and wild vengeance taken in unimaginably grand proportions. But victims of American genocide, who, as author Finian Cummingham notes, runs in the tens of millions, are expected to be understanding of American atrocities as some sort of miscalculation or mistake. Majority humanity's time will come when the white colonial powers bankrupt themselves in more debilitating ways than just financially.
The rest of the world is thus obliged to believe the word of Washington over this unverifiable warning.
Of course, it is a propaganda stunt, aimed at renewing the whole fraudulent "war on terror' charade and distracting from recent politically embarrassing developments, such as the vast scope of illegal surveillance against US citizens and the rest of the world; or the increasing public awareness of the collusion between American and Western intelligence and regime-change terrorism in Syria.
This is the same American political establishment that launched wars on Afghanistan and Iraq on the back of spurious and outright mendacious claims over the alleged 9/11 terror attacks and weapons of mass destruction."
"This is the same government, along with Britain and France, that secretly claims the Syrian armed forces of President Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons - when the hard evidence is that it is actually the US-backed foreign mercenaries who have launched these weapons to kill civilians."
"These US-led wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Pakistan, Somalia, Libya and Syria have caused as many as two million, mainly civilian, deaths."
"And yet ludicrously, the US government is putting the world on alert against terrorism. Even more ludicrously, the Western news media are amplifying this warning from the world's biggest terrorist state as if it is a benign service to international public safety."
Reviewer janson: Yes, intentionally distracting, fear creating, in an attempt at justifying all the ongoing US crimes against humanity and persecution of Edward Snowden and Bradley Manning for uncovering some of these crimes for the propagandized public.
" In this awful anniversary week of Hiroshima and Nagasaki it is rather astounding that the perpetrator of that genocide is still strutting the globe as if it is God almighty. On a global terrorist offender list, the United States is the paramount offender without compare. YEs, but billions of normal and decent beleaguered human beings within the so called Third World have already prosecuted the United States in their hearts and await their opportunity to see it happen in real time.
In a saner world, the US should be a pariah state, shunned and sanctioned, its government leaders past and present locked away for life."
Reviewer janson: The tenor of feelings out in the in the former colonially-militarily occupied now so called 'Developing and neo-colonized World would offer one singe correction for the wording here in this inexpressibly wonderful article from perhaps the most perceptive writer in the First World. From a Third World perspective, and even as protection for the people living in the First World, the leaders within the insane society of the speculative banking business in the United States will one day soon, indeed be "locked away for life," and the names of those US leaders who will have died beforehand, will appear in history books stained in blood for the foreseeable future.
Stalin knew that that act of terror by US President Truman was aimed at Moscow by way of demarcating the post-war lines of global hegemony. By 1948, the Soviet Union had acquired the A-bomb and the world was then well on the road to mutually assured destruction - in direct consequence of the US original act of nuclear terrorism on Japan.
Perhaps more frightening than the planet-destroying power of US-held nuclear weapons is the monstrous mentality of the American ruling class that wields them, including its mass media propaganda system.
Reviewer janson: But not for long, as information and communication technology races ahead ever leveling the playing field between predator First World and preyed upon Third World, and as articles by Finian Cunningham keep blasting away at the wall of media deception and deceit that surrounds both.