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OpEdNews Op Eds    H2'ed 6/11/17

A Critical Look at the People's Summit

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Daniel Geery
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Debbie Lusignan, aka The Sane Progressive
Debbie Lusignan, aka The Sane Progressive
(Image by Debbie Lusignan, Youtube.com)
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This is my effort to summarize a lengthy video by The Sane Progressive, Debbie Lusignan. I took some liberties in editing my own Dragon Naturally Speaking translation, while watching the entire video, tossing in slight additions or modifications based on things I've heard in other of Debbie's videos, and in some cases read about.

We need to network and join with other truth tellers. We already have the real leaders, whistleblowers, Cynthia McKinney, Chris Hedges, and many, many others. We, the 99%, need to confront the 1% and those who work for them. Truth tellers are operating in an issue oriented way.

We need to address actual structural fraud and our existing broken structures and create real solutions for what we are about. We need to create a path outside of what we have now. Chris Hedges says we'll be a long time in the woods to get past our present disturbing premises. We will be viewed as the enemy when we work outside the broken system, but that is what we must do.

We become attached to ideas of what we think someone is, rather than looking harder at real issues and what's being done. We had a coup and a stolen election right before our eyes. Bernie won and wouldn't stand up for that. The system goes nowhere, but to keep us on treadmills.

A lot of people awoke during Bernie Sanders' movement [which DL avidly supported, as did I and I'm sure many readers here]. The next awakening will be when people see these movements not working out, yet again. We're watching the beginning of the newest phase of co-opting and going in circles. Look what happened at the woman's March. Look at the lead speakers and who they represent, both there and here [much more on this in the video]. The politicians here are given permission as to how far they can go and what topics they can address, by deep state players.

This is a policy driven event with no mechanism to pass policy. Everything here has been sanctified by the Democratic Party. They use token progressives as they have for the last four years or more.

Salvaging the Affordable Care Act, formerly the Romney Care Act, is ludicrous when we could have Medicare for All. Nancy Pelosi and others are applauding and saying we must stand up for the Affordable Care Act. Sanders has been a leading supporter of this.

The gathering is co-opted by people who have been long entrenched in the establishment. Michael Moore will be there, he who claimed Hillary Clinton never lied. Hillary Clinton's people have done worse things than Trump. It's not a lesser of two evils, we are being managed ultimately by war hawks, whose wheels are greased by both parties in our duopoly. The lead speaker at this event should be called out as a collaborator with the establishment.

They're looking for people who won't provide leadership; we need to take power and responsibility for ourselves. We need to look at what led us to this point and talk about what brought us here. We need to look at our foundational premises and basic values. There will be no change until a mind shift occurs.

We are operating on a foundation of a reverse Robin Hood principle. We need to shift away from capitalism which is based on a scarcity model. This is not about casting judgment, we need to identify what is locking people into that which manages and controls us. There is no logic, just emotion and some ignorance by people don't know or even want to understand the ugly things our country is doing.

We must look further into the deep state backers, like the CIA and real power players behind the scene. There is a driving dark energy behind all this.

We need light. What keeps us oppressed is fear, and being divided by fear and hate. I have truth tellers and light workers on my site; they are abundant but not as connected as they need to be. Light workers need to come together.

I don't need to wear a pink hat and talk about how I'm being victimized. I'm trying to channel light, but we need to go to some dark places first. We need to show our emotions and emotional work is part of the process. We must not shrink from our emotions. People must be free and equal.

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