A so far ignored Human Investment
Tax Credit (HITC) program can create up to 6 million jobs and launch perhaps 4
million entrepreneurs.
it free at: http://www.aesopinstitute.org
The 1977 job tax credit program included a few of these incentives and
generated almost one million jobs - 20% of the jobs created that year!
An updated version will soon be available entitled: A HUMAN DEVELOPMENT BASED ECONOMY VIA A SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT
PROGRAM. Congress should fine-tune and pass this program without
It outlines revolutionary technology that opens paths to cars that need no fossil
fuel or recharge. Advanced versions can later turn parked cars into power
plants, able to sell power to the local utility.
The technology is not yet in the textbooks and will be greeted with extreme
skepticism and disbelief.
However, independent laboratory validation of one remarkable breakthrough mentioned,
Energy from Collapsing Hydrogen Orbits - ECHO, has taken place at Rowan
University. A parallel development by another firm produced far more heat than
can readily be explained by existing science, indicating a new source of energy
is involved. The experiments should now be repeated at other laboratories. Efforts
to encourage that step are under way in the UK and Norway.
The Rowan validation began the process of proving that new technology can allow
a barrel of water to replace 200 barrels of oil!
Imagine the implications! Millions of well-paid new jobs as well as a major boost to automotive manufacturing, the backbone of the economy.