Some American veterans of wars call for a return to the healthy purpose for Memorial Day, which in Columbus, Mississippi, April 25, 1866, was to bind its town and the nation together in mourning the million and half soldiers who died killing each other during our tragic Civil War. A day for mourning the dead of both sides, civilian as well as military, in national fellowship intended to put an end to hatred for the other side, end lust for war to settle differences and see a United States of America restored.
Americans, who want war stopped and no new ones planned, can join veterans observing Memorial Day as it was observed in a small southern town a century and a half ago. A day of mourning one's own made stronger for remembering the suffering of families of soldiers and citizens of the other side. A Memorial Day that recognized the unity of all Humanity, a century and a half ago.
Back then it was to cure a painful division in America. Today's Memorial Day should be about curing a painful division in the World, by remembering the other side's suffering. Presently, there is yet another world wide civil war within Mankind. Human beings killing fellow human beings in desperation.
Many veterans cannot forget being trained to kill and our having fallen in love with the people we were killing. We, who have known the agony of killing, ask for reconciliation politics instead of attempted final solutions through never ending horrific homicidal violence, as Obama calls for today.
We, who were taught to kill, call for Memorial Day 2010 to be observed mourning the dead on both sides in all America's wars. now it is the World that is needs binding together in mourning.
We U.S. veterans, who fought for our country, more often than not mistakenly, for disinformation, war propaganda and corporate profit, will observe a space age Memorial Day 2010.
We will no longer participate in selective mourning only America's war dead. We will mourn all victims of war, the millions of civilians, the hundreds of thousands of our designated enemies fallen in their motherlands, and then, having put others first, as in common humility, will we mourn the tens of thousands of our very own fellow citizens who sacrificed their lives for, or thinking it was for, the good of our nation.
Thus, we call for an end to hatred for the soldiers of the other side who were taught to kill us just as we U.S. veterans were taught to kill them even when they were defending against our invasion! We call for an end to all divisive self-righteousness! We call for a replacing of useless puffed up pride with happiness creating love and mutual appreciation!
We call to get real on Memorial Day! Denounce lies demonizing others and misrepresenting America as angelic. Get to the bottom of who killed and why? Who always promotes war and why? Don't trust our war justifying corporate bought politicians! Don't trust their appointed generals! Don't trust corporate conglomerate owned commercial media! Do all this, and stop these wars for profit.
And enjoy a positive Memorial Day holiday weekend that is honest about the past, and forward looking to a world without war in the name of all war's millions of victims!