Things couldn't be stranger even if I woke up on on an alien planet. We have a legislative body that is totally sidetracked by the aspirations of a mentally challenged President who calls for a wall along the border of Mexico, a national emergency. Meanwhile, the country is mobilizing for war against a Latin American country that has been on the receiving end of US sanctions and embargoes for the last 20 years.
This is not the first time that the United States has attempted to overthrow the Venezuelan government. I think its common knowledge that the United States was backing the coup that tried to remove Hugo Chavez. Now we are back at it trying to remove Nicholas Maduro from the Presidency of Venezuela. We are Not only complicit in trying to foment a coup in that country by recognizing a puppet put up by the CIA as an alternative to the elected government of Venezuela, we have put a convicted criminal who was tried and found guilty of lying before Congress about our interference in El Salvador and Nicaragua (Elliott Abrams), we see him back in front of Congress lying again about the trouble in Venezuela.
I'm sure that most Americans see the same thing that I see. We have a national security advisor, John Bolton, who is not only is a neocon and a war hawk, he is actively crusading for war against Iran and Venezuela. John Bolton is a despicable man who should have never been appointed to any office, and certainly not National Security Advisor. We have another rabid hawk who is not the Secretary of State to a mentally handicapped president in the form of Mike Pompeo. This man along with Bolton has never seen a war that he didn't promote or wish for.
Right now, I would like to talk to the American people; What does it take for Americans to understand that the situation this situation now is not just unacceptable, but a horror show that is unfolding before everyone's eyes! It seemed like everyone is waiting for the invasion of Venezuela to kickoff. The United States believes that its military is so powerful that they can crush anyone or any nation that stands against it. The truth is, that Venezuelan has almost 2 million people in the regular army and the reserves that are willing to fight against any invasion of its sovereign territory. It is Donald Trump's hubris, and the conceit and hubris of the people around him that will get us into a war that will claim thousands of American lives. Not only will Americans die, but hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans will also perish.
The main problem in the United States is that people don't understand what they can do about. We can write our congressmen and all the elected officials and still not sway what our government will eventually do. The only time that I have seen the people rise up and stop the government is when President Barack Obama wanted to bomb Syria "over an alleged" chemical weapons attack. The outcry then in the British government's yielding to his house of commons may Barack Obama think twice.
We can do the same thing but we have almost the entire EU supporting us and recognizing this pretender puppet of the United States in its quest to unseat President Nicholas Maduro. Venezuela is not Syria and it is not Iraq. The Venezuelan Army and Air Force has weapons supplied by the United States and Russia that can effectively stop this invasion in its tracks. They might not prevail but the death toll will be unacceptable to the American people.
This is why I say to Americans, don't protest this war after it happens. We must protest this war BEFORE it happens. Once we commit troops to invasion of Venezuela, and we have American soldiers on the ground fighting a foreign nation, it will seem patriotic to rally around the flag. This cannot happen. We will be weaker in our protests once the shots are fired. It will take hundreds of thousands of American troops to subdue the nation of Venezuela. As an American, are we willing to take that step and commit our resources to subdue a nation that has never attacked us? Are we willing to dismantle a society because of the beliefs of neocons?
We all know the reason why the people of Venezuela are suffering. It is because of the sanctions that the American government has put up on the sovereign nation of Venezuela. Venezuela's exports are not allowed to be sold. 90% of Venezuela's exports consist of oil. The United States wants that oil, and we know this is what it's all about. That's not all the United States also desires their gold. This is totally against international law and is also cruel and immoral. If this is a nation that you want to live in than so be it. If you want to live in a nation that respects the sovereignty of other nations and works towards the betterment of mankind than it is time to rise up and take to the streets to stop this terrible foreign policy.
If the American public and the opposition party in Washington DC believe that an invasion of Venezuela will constitute an impeachable offense to invade another sovereign country without the consent of Congress, then that is a political move that is equally as disgusting as invading that country in the first place. To sacrifice American servicemen and Venezuelan people because of the political opportunity is wrong and it has to be stopped. This is the time that politics should not be an issue. The issue is between good and bad, and right and wrong. If the United States invades Venezuela, I promise to so my house and move to Mexico. I do not want to live a belligerent nation that kills people for their resources