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A Perfect Storm over Washington; Trump will be forced to resign

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Michael Payne
Message Michael Payne

Suddenly, out of the blue, a Perfect Storm that has been hanging in the skies over Washington D.C. erupted and came crashing down on our nation's capital and the White House.

On the very same day, Tuesday, August 21, Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to 8 counts brought against him by Special Prosecutor Mueller. Then Paul Mantafort was found guilty on 8 of 18 counts that the Southern District New York had charged him with.

This is an astonishing turn of events. On top of those stunning announcements three other Trump associates, George Papadopoulos, Rick Gates, and Michael Fynn previously pled guilty after being indicted by Mueller.

Next, the New York Times reported that Don McGahn, the presidential counsel, met recently with the Mueller team for over 30 hours, a very ominous sign indeed. The times indicated that "McGahn had grown concerned that Trump was preparing to set him up for a fall over the issue of possible obstruction of justice, prompting him to provide as much information as possible to Mueller's investigation."

So we don't know for certain that McGahn did actually "rat" on Trump but it sure seems like he did just that. That, added to what took place involving Cohen, Mantafort, and McGhan, says that Trump is not going to sleep very well for some time.

But wait, there is more yet. It's just being reported that David Pecker, publisher of the National Enquirer and friend of Trump, has cut an immunity deal with Mueller. It's said to be about the hush money that Michael Cohen gave to Trump's two lady friends to silence them. What is the world is going to come out next?

As more and more revelations linked to Trump emerge, what is his reaction? Well, Trump puts on his standard act by which he pretends that he is not the least bit worried, and just repeats over and over, "no collusion, no collusion, no collusion."

Congressional Republicans continue to act like his peasants and serfs, remaining silent, saying nothing. They are reacting to what is going very much as they did with Nixon and Watergate. Back then they just tried to ignore the entire matter, until Nixon was painted in toa corner by the Special Prosecutor, and then they met with him and told him he must leave.

By repeating history, Republicans are making a fatal mistake because, if they continue to stand with Trump as things get worse and worse they will be knocked out of office in November.

And what of Evangelicals who continue to forgive every one of his "sins" immediately after he commits them. Looks like they no longer adhere to "Thou shalt not" or "You shall reap what you have sown." In their eyes, he can do no wrong no matter how vicious or sordid his actions and behavior may be. Perhaps they think of him as some kind of savior.

Why do these people who profess to be Christians strongly support a man of such poor character, who possesses such anger and disdain for those who he refers to as his enemies? Don't they think he should show love instead, i.e., "Love your enemies?" Who can figure that out?

There has been continuing pressure put on Mueller to have him finish his investigation and submit his findings, but he has not budged. And with these recent stunning, shocking events of the last few days, now we know why.

While all this is going on the media, especially the TV news outlets, are simply ecstatic and are in seventh heaven. It's like they have been given Christmas gifts in August. They are covering what is going on 24/7 and, doing everything in their power to bring down their nemesis, Trump.

Trump feels the intense heat coming from Mueller. He knows he is in massive trouble and that his presidency is in jeopardy; and he may well panic and, possibly, implode.

He is now trying to figure out if and when he needs to pardon both Cohen and Mantafort to prevent them from making any further disclosures about him.

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