The Road to Perdition, paved by war mongering and fear mongering.
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Naomi Wolf, MD, a former advisor to Bill Clinton, is CEO of a tech company as well as an author and a fellow at the American Institute of Economic Research.
In this interview she warns of what she calls the 'absolutely catastrophic danger' of the vaccine passport, the push for which is occurring throughout the world (Israeli dissidents are now being surveilled and monitored, ostracized and marginalized; vaccine passports have already been rolled out in Denmark, Britain, and Canada, and in her own state of New York, Governor Cuomo has declared that excelsior passes are being launched). She says it takes 10 steps to close an open society and we've been ticking them off.
Ten steps to tyranny (from her book "The End of America"):
1. Invoke a terrifying internal and
external enemy
2. Create a gulag
3. Develop a thug caste
4. Set up an internal surveillance
5. Harass citizens' groups
6. Engage in arbitrary detention and
7. Target key individuals
8. Control the press
9. Dissent equals treason
10. Suspend
the rule of law
This is a partial transcript from an interview posted April 1, 2021, of Naomi Wolf, MD, by Del Bigtree at the Highwire.
Wolf: I try not to overstate things, but this vaccine-passport movement--it is so incredibly dangerous, and once it's here you can't roll it back. Once it's out there, you and I can't meet in a bar or restaurant with our friends to have a conversation about how do we start a movement to get our freedoms back, because the app will know. The app will divide the populace into two groups, vaccinated and unvaccinated. But that's just the beginning. What's really dangerous is that you don't have a choice about opting in or out, and what's incredibly dangerous, and I say this as a tech CEO, is that any functionality can be loaded onto the app, immediately, without any difficulty. So tomorrow Apple Pay or Google Pay or Google Wallet, all of which are already talking about getting the contract for the vaccine passport, can seamlessly synthesize whether you get paid or not, whether or not you can turn on your revenue stream, based on your vaccine status. AI can scan social media and feed that effortlessly into a social-credit system where, if I say the right things, I can go more places. And if I say the wrong things, I can't even get on the bus when I have to show my card. It can, and will, seamlessly geolocate you, and it will. Every time you scan that code, it is geolocating you. When other people scan their code at the restaurant where you just scanned your own, AI creates a network of you and all your friends, and there is software that creates maps of everyone's social groups and how they intersect and interact with each other.
It literally turns overnight into a China-style social-credit system, and as I've said elsewhere: How do you keep a billion educated people who want freedom and democracy completely unable to revolt? Because they will have this app, basically, with the functionalities loaded onto it, and the authorities can find any dissident or any critic within five minutes. And that's it--you can be switched off. When I say there is no going back, if there was ever a time for patriots and citizens, people who love the freedoms of the west, not to let something happen--now is the time, because there is no world in which we have any vestige of autonomy after this is over. And I'm not even talking about the precedent of letting the government inject us with these things that will also go on to more and more control by government over your own body.
Bigtree: And now we apparently live in a society where it's okay that vaccine manufacturers don't do safety trials. After we get our shots, we won't know if it causes cancer, we won't know if there is even something more diabolical; but who cares, you're going to have to get it and all of its 'boosters'; people aren't looking at the long term, and they prey on that.
Wolf: Yes, there is a massive disinformation-propaganda campaign going on to get us to accept all this. I was a political consultant at the highest levels. What that taught me is to analyze events backward. When you're in those rooms where history is made, the first step is to identify the goal. After that they decide on a story to bring us to that goal. Then the goal is given to the message shop, and the message shop comes up with the narrative. That's why I often look at the outcome, because that's what the intention usually is.
So, these lockdown measures are nonsensical. The data are in that states and countries that 'locked down' did not do any better regarding coronavirus than states and countries that were open. But the effect is that people will do anything to be free again. They will do anything to be able to go to that restaurant, to sit in a park with their friends, go to church " And so if you're going to have a goal of getting everyone to adopt this one technology that will basically enslave the world, and that's not hyperbole, and will enable six people in China to be in charge of, basically, everything that happens --i t's meta-national, it's above the level of a sovereign state--six tech people in China to be in charge of everything--whom to switch on, whom to switch off.
If you want to do that, the way to do that is to have a virulent, lethal virus--I'm not saying that it wasn't real, but we know now that the PCR tests lead to false-positives; we don't know the extent of the pandemic, we don't know if it's over, because no one's letting us see the raw data. We have measures that don't make any sense--keeping kids home from school doesn't make any sense scientifically; we don't let people open their businesses, we drive the economy into crisis, and then everyone's like fine, give [the vaccine] to me; let me go back to 'normal'.
Bigtree: You're scaring me and everyone watching this, but here's the elephant in the room: Since you've worked with Bill Clinton, you've worked in government; the thing that doesn't make sense to anyone is why would the US of A take part in this. Why would we want our data going to China? Why are we protecting China when it comes to this Wuhan virus? I'm starting to get the impression that the country that I grew up in, that celebrated being a beacon of freedom for the world, is no longer being governed from inside its borders. Why is America making this choice?
Wolf: A lot of countries that are supposed to be free, open democracies are making the same choice. I'll give you the best answer I can. BTW, I'm not saying that all of our data is going to go to China. A document from the CCP was leaked--it's not classified--and it basically says that China's plan by 2025 is to own everyone's medical data around the world and by doing so to create a kind of biofascism globally in which they are the superpower through the management of everyone's medical data. It's an alliance that I don't think is so intentional; I think that China had an accidental release of a gain-of-function virus but then saw their opportunity in the crisis. And as this devastation was going on around the world, other entities, like big-tech companies and big pharma, saw their opportunity--their profits are up exponentially from this pandemic, so they're never going to want the 'crisis' to end. It forces everyone onto technology platforms so all these human spaces where we used to worship or used to be in classrooms--from tech companies' point of view, these places are empty spaces because they're not being monetized. So all the eyeballs go onto tech platforms--Zoom, YouTube, Instagram, etc.--and Zoom anyway is owned by China; so it's an alliance that was probably inadvertent, among six big global corporations, big pharma, and China, all heading in the same direction of totalitarianism toward us. I never wanted to say this in public, but the time has come. The most thoughtful people I know in the world of state-craft and analysis and intelligence are pretty worried that the CCP has been basically engaging in what China calls asymmetrical warfare. Which means winning a war without firing a shot. The way that's been done is by buying up, buying up, buying up Western leaders, influencers, news outlets, cultural venues--even down to the level of local government officials, and that's been dormant and quiet--sleeper cells, as some of my intelligence friends would say.
Now the time has come to manifest what intelligence analysts would call a 'perforated state'. Basically, our America has been so perforated by this influence that is designed to 'tenderize' us toward an enemy. Look at the policies that have followed this pandemic--they make no sense, unless the goal is to weaken the United States. Our children haven't been in school for a year. They are self-harming. They have no faith in the future. Our economy is being driven into the ground. Unemployment is in double digits. Our social bonds are dissolved in a very Chinese Community Party way--we're not allowed to worship, we're not allowed to gather, we're not allowed to have town halls and freedom of speech. We're demoralized; our divisions have never been greater. Technology amplifies and amplifies, and makes sure that critical voices are censored. If you look at the big picture, it is to weaken and demoralize the US.
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